If Your Whole Life Was A Movie Who Would Play You?
All of our lives are special and filled with so many unforgettable memories. So, how would it be if your whole life was a movie and you got to find out who'll be playing you in it?! This quiz will reveal the leading actor in your movie!
13 Reasons Why Women Change Their Hairstyles Often!
Girls, we all have been there. Whatever we're going through in our lives can be observed from our hair. From bleaching the darkest hair to having bangs, we tend to change our hair style after something bad happens in our lives.
Which Greek God Is Your Soulmate?
Zeus, Poseidon, Hera or Aphrodite? Here lies many gods and goddesses for you! This quiz will help you find your inner god/goddess!Image credit: Shutterstock/Anastasios71
20 Signs Showing A Man Has No Class At All!
If you are one of those guys, either hold your tongue forever or just leave. We aren't trying to be mean to you - on the contrary - we are just trying to show you your mistakes so that you can try to correct them next time. ☺️☺️
7 Sound Reasons To Marry A Photographer!
A photographer's relationship status is usually not so important. If they're seeing someone, it's ok, if not, they'll just go out and keep doing more photoshoots. All he/she cares about is Adobe Photoshop! But photographers are much more special than you'd think. Here we give you 7 solid reasons to marry/date a photographer!
The Most Horrible Experiment in History: Little Albert Experiment
Observing in his field research that fear in humans is something that is 'learned' rather than something that humans are born with, behavioral psychologist John B. Watson decided to test his hypothesis in his lab. And his choice of subject was probably the worst one in history: 8 month-old Albert.
15 Reasons To Go After The Guy That LOVES His Family!
There are many criteria to evaluate men, and these change from one person to another. However, there is just this one thing that could be the best way to get to know a man: There are reasons why you shouldn't pass on a guy who has a good relationship with his family, and here they are:
12 Things You Should Know About Straightforward Women!
Being a straightforward woman comes with a lot of difficulties, but hey! It is always worth the trouble. We straightforward women are struggling with whatever life brings in all parts of our lives and trying to obtain a stance in our workplace or in some ordinary party that we attend. We always have a good time, and sometimes we walk the edge, but all these make us even more attractive. Dating a straightforward woman is tough, but the world will become a whole different place if you are able to deal with this. Because we... are glowing! Starting a romantic relationship with a straightforward woman means that your relationship will get stronger with every piece of truth she hits you on the face with.  Bottom line is that there are a few things that you should know before dating a straightforward woman.
10 Useful Bits Of Style Advice To Hide Your Flaws
Is it possible to look thinner and taller just by choosing the right clothes? But how? Hiding your flaws has never been this easy. With the 'Optical Illusion Technique in Clothing' you can easily hide the parts you don't like in your body. This technique is quite simple: Hide the parts you don't like and emphasize the parts you feel are strong. Ready? Let's roll.
14 Tips To Help You Spot Emotionally Unreachable Men At Once
If somebody tell you this, don't believe in them. These type of men can be emotionally reached if you show them even one of your boobs.  If somebody is really emotionally unreachable or unavailable, you recognize it after spending some time with them. And the more you get to know them and be aware of this fact, you start panicking and asking yourself 'WTF am I supposed to do now?'  Worry no more, for I will tell you what you can do.
18 Things Geminis Want To Scream Out Loud To Humanity!
All other zodiac signs aside, Geminis have been long suffering and they want all of these 18 problems solved asap! They can't tolerate these things, yet still they often keep it in! We hear you guys, and we want to show our support!
14 Things Waiting for The People Stuck in Their Small World
The world is so huge that even if you decide to see every single place, your whole lifetime won’t be enough. Still, you may believe it’s better to see as much as you can, which means you’re on a good path. On the other hand, there are people who are stuck in their small worlds, which is scary.Even though you can’t visit the entire world, you should know that the world is much bigger than your surrounding area. Go, see, explore, learn. And do as much you can. Here’s what is going to happen if you get stuck in your little world...