President Erdogan ‘Envisions’ A New Constitution For Turkey
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan pledged a brand-new constitution which would ensure his people's freedom and rights in a speech in Ankara that has been introduced as his dream for Turkey in the next 100 years and was widely interpreted as his electioneering policy platform for the upcoming presidential election set on June.
Top 10 Countries With The Most Engineering Graduates!
As everyone knows, the key to progress in the world is technology and using this technology in production. The products that are produced with high technology determines the countries' place in the world economy and the people of these countries live in prosperity. In this sense, countries investing in engineering and education about engineering is the main point of their welfare. The countries which understood this problem and are on the verge of solving it are the countries that invest most in engineering education. Let's take a look at countries that produce the most graduates of engineering.