15 Enlightening Al Bundy Quotes On Marriage For The Young Couples
15 Enlightening Al Bundy Quotes On Marriage For The Young Couples
Al Bundy was a happy man... 'Til the day hey got married 💀💀💀
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1. "Retirement is when a woman marries, and a Man dies"

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2. "Insurance is like marriage. You pay and pay, but you never get anything back."

3. "Alright now, everybody... shoot me!'

4. "I've lived and I've loved... later on I even married."

5. "I hate my life ... can't eat, can't sleep, can't bury my wife in the backyard."

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6. "Oh. life is good! But not for me..."

7. "I can't sleep with that damn woman in my bed!"

8. "What was I thinking when I said 'I do'? I'd already had sex with her, so I didn't need that again."

9. "Marriage stinks, have a kid. Kid stinks, have another kid."

10. "Lets go! Last one to your house gets to sit next to my wife!"

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11. "Sorry, Peg, I didn't hear you. I was thinking of killing myself."

12. "Peg, you know I warned you before about touching me."

13. "Peg, we've been married for 17 years. Can't we just be friends?"

14. "I deserve to be punished; I married your mother."

15. "I left high-school, lost the will to live, and here I am..."

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