26 Oddly Funny Things Only Roommates Would Get!
There will always be a special connection between you and your roommate. No one else knows all the aspects of you. You share a very special place with him/her, where you feel the most comfortable and can act as your true self; your home! Your roomie will never judge you becaauuuse: you’re home! Where else can you feel this comfortable?Your roommate will be there when you need them, and love your true self with all the weirdness you have. Sentences that begin with “There’s something I want to tell you, but you have to promise you won’t judge me..”, “I know It sounds weird, but…” are always told to your roommate. Feel free and let everything out, you’ll be together at the end ofthe day anyway!Here are your 26 annoying habits that only your roomie can understand!
21 Weirdest Japanese TV Shows That Will Mindf*ck You
Japanese TV shows are one of a kind. These programs find all the things that are beyond your imagination. They are full of WTF moments. It's very hard to understand why people even bother to go through these shows. We created a list full of the weirdest TV shows of Japan. Japan will never cease to surprise us!
11 Good Reasons Why You Should Date A Mexican
They will steal your hearts and make hearts appear in your eyes. Your knees will shake and you will become mesmerized. Considering the possibility that the person you will fall in love with might be Mexican, we have prepared this gallery!
10 Reasons Why "I'll never hurt you." Is A Big Lie!
Relationships are based on trust, and in order for a relationship to survive, trust must never be lost. This isn't only valid for romances, but also for friendships and family relationships. Even when we interact with people that we don't know, we still rely on and need trust in order to feel comfortable. The more we trust somebody, the easier and faster we can open up.At this point, we should remember how prone people are to making mistakes and hurting others. Therefore, we claim that the worst promise you can make to someone is 'I will never hurt you.'
9 Quick Steps To Get Firm Breasts!
No one's getting any younger. As a result, your boobs will go through some 'changes.' We have some tips and tricks to up your boob game! Do these and your boobs will be forever grateful to you!
18 Things That Perfectly Explain "Bromance!"
We call the love of two or more guy friends a “bromance.” It’s the combination of the words brother and romance and it’s often seen in a close friend group of guys. The time they spend with each other can’t even compare to the time they spend with their family and girlfriend. They even hang out with each other when they have time off from work.
17 Things Lazy Couples Love Doing
When two lazy people come together, their laziness doesn't add up, but instead multiplies. But isn't it super amazing to find someone that even just being lazy with is fun?
17 Reasons Why Mysterious People Are More Attractive
We all fall in love with people who we hope or think will complete us and make us happy. Then we start dating and see that it isn't the case, so we go on searching for a new person. However, sometimes there are those people that we can never get to know completely, and therefore we can't move on to the next person that easily because the state of being in love also doesn't end that easily. Who are those people? 'The mysterious type!'Here are the 17 traits of the people that make us stick around.
16 Things People Who Chase That Impossible Love Go Through!
Your ex-boyfriend’s best friend or your best friend’s ex-girlfriend or your friend’s current boyfriend or your best friend’s sister/brother…There could be more examples, but the truth is these are relationships that have little possibility of happening.Here is the sea of emotions that the people who have an impossible love go through:
10 Features of The Most Passionate Zodiac: Scorpio!
The first rule to understanding Scorpios is to not try to understand them. For the good of your own mental health, don’t try to understand their personalities.They are the most strong and misunderstood ones. They may create a reason for you to hate them when you have no other problems with them. They’re actually both good and bad for the same reasons.
26 Things You Won't Know If You’re Not An “Alfisti”
Alfisti, meaning being an Alfa Romeo fan, is something different. It’s falling in love with a sound, a detail and a look. Meaning that you’re a member of an auto group that exists just for two automobile brands. Alfa Romeo is an auto producer founded by the Visconti family in Milano, Italy in 1910. Although Alfa Romeo seems like they’re producing autos, they have actually built up a passion.