A Nightmare You Can't Be Rid Of Easily: Porn Addiction!!!
Don't let the title mislead you! Alongside men, many women suffer from porn addiction. If you consider watching porn or being interested in sexual desires to be perverse, you have to stop doing that. This article will help you question yourself about this post-modern addiction. Disclaimer: This content does not discriminate on gender or sexual orientations.
20 Strange Mythological Creatures From Around The World
Every culture has its different myths and legends that people believed in for hundreds of years. Especially before semitic religions, these myths had shaped the culture and daily life to a great extent, and many of them are still influential in today’s art. Particularly in literature and cinema, it’s possible to see many stories and characters inspired by these ancient myths. So, here are top 20 strange creatures from world’s most famous legends and their stories...
10 Things You Should Always Keep To Yourself
Some things are better left unsaid. If you share everything about yourself with others, it might confuse them. No one likes a person who is constantly bragging about their life choices. It's not wrong to keep some things inside.
17 Animal Species On The Verge Of Extinction
According to scientists, our planet is now in the midst of its sixth mass extinction of plants and animals — the sixth wave of extinctions in the past half-billion years. We’re currently experiencing the worst spate of species die-offs since the loss of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Although extinction is a natural phenomenon, it occurs at a natural “background” rate of about one to five species per year. Scientists estimate we’re now losing species at 1,000 to 10,000 times the background rate, with literally dozens going extinct every day. 30 to 50 percent of all species are possibly heading toward extinction by mid-century.And unfortunately, our knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystems is scarce.Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for the Environment, gave a speech last year on Biodiversity, Food and Sustainable Development at Milan Expo Biodiversity Park and said “To quote the World Resources Institute, we know more on how many stars there are in our galaxy than how many species there are on Earth!”So, now is the time for us to pay attention to what we’re about to lose if we keep dominating nature relentlessly.
17 Things Proving A Cancer Horoscope Woman Is The Perfect Partner
Everyone needs a cancer woman in their life. I wish they had signs on their foreheads saying that “I’m a cancer woman” so we would know who to approach!! Problems would get solved and issues would easily be forgotten if everyone had a cancer woman in their lives. Best friendships are developed with them and perfect relationships are also lived with them.
15 Ruthless Movie Villains Who Mastered In Killing People
Cinema history has witnessed many villains, murderers and serial killers. Sometimes these villains are found attractive and charismatic by the audience and they become incredibly popular. This is the list of most brutal and ruthless murderers in cinema history!Don't forget to leave the name of your favorite villain in the comments!
This Simulation Theory Will Make You Lose Faith In Reality!
One of the most boiling debates recently is whether or not the universe is a simulation. Skepticism on this topic goes back to the fifth century. Parmenides argues that the everyday perception of the reality of the physical world is wrong and the world is an unchanging, ungenerated and indestructible whole.
17 Disadvantages Of Being Intelligent!
“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds,” said Einstein once.Being intelligent is the only obstacle before being peaceful and happy. What do you think?
This Skeleton Shows Everything Wrong With Instagram Clichés!
Meet Skellie. Skellie is a skeleton. As every other skeleton does, Skellie loves Instagram. Skellie likes to make fun of other people on Instagram. His favorite activity is to reenact Instagram pictures that we see everyday. Check more of Skellie here: I tell you that Skellie is a skeleton?
"The Ethnic Origins of Beauty" Proves All Women Around The World Are Beautiful!
The Non-profit project ’The Ethnic Origins of Beauty’ started in 2012. The project is developed by Russian photographer, writer and photojournalist Natalia Ivanova. She lives and works in France.Natalia photographed 39 different ethnic origins from 4 continents and 15 countries. She aimed to indicate that all women of the world are equally precious and special. Nevertheless, there are much more ethnic origins around the world that couldn't be included in this project. The project is still ongoing and there will be other women that will be included. The selection criteria was simple. 1- The participant should inherit the origins from both parents. 2- The participant should carry the same ethnic origins for at least 3 generations. 3- The participant should be between 18-30 years old.The project reached its goal by stating that all women around the world are beautiful and ethnic differences are a part of this life.
25 Reasons To Stick To A Man With Hooded Eyes
Don’t accept these eyes as just a physical feature that adds an impressive look, charisma, sexuality and many other things to a man. Those hooded eyes have more than that, believe me.
15 Occasions To Use Our Beloved "Smiling Poop" Emoji!
The 'smiling poop' emoji is like magic. It can help you express anything you want. It is much more meaningful than a yellow smiley face. If  your favorite emoji is smiling poop, you'll understand what we're talking about!
15 Problems Of Unemployed People
Midterms and finals are tough, but real life begins after graduation. The first step of this hardship is to find a job. Everyone who needs to earn his/her own life needs to find a job. The process of looking for jobs is sometimes long, sometimes very short, and usually something that creates problems.Here are the 15 of those problems for those who’re having a hard time finding a suitable job.