14 Things You Didn't Know About Women's Porn Habits!
Many people don't even think that women watch porn. Today, I'm here to tell them: Yes they do! In this gallery, we brought together very interesting information about women's porn watching habits. Which category do they prefer the most? Who are their favorite stars? How do they differ from men? The answers to the questions are below!The following statistics come from the folks at Pornhub's data team. Its members were able to look at the team's analytics and generate anonymized data on what the site's female users are looking at.
21 Sad Etsy Boyfriends Who Want To Be Literally Anywhere Else is long known as a clearing house where eclectic crafters can sell their knit, painted, and hot-glued odds and ends. BUT, it is also full of the sad faces of boyfriends forced to model their girlfriends' wares. While wearing silly hats, shirts, and scarves, these men seem to be crying hard inside!
28 Men That Prove Beards Are Not Always So Sexy!
Recently, there is this beard thing going on. Guys let their beards grow like crazy. The hot guys, who actually do look good with a beard, that we see all over are to blame. However, please stop thinking that every single man would look good, masculine and attractive with a beard. It is not everybody's thing to pull off.
The Most Scandalous Butter Rape Scene In 'The Last Tango In Paris' Is Real!
The film contains a scene in which Brando's character engages in anal rape using butter as a lubricant. In a 2006 interview, Schneider said that the scene was not in the script and that 'when they told me, I had a burst of anger. Woo! I threw everything. And nobody can force someone to do something, not in the script. But I didn't know that. I was too young.' Let's look more into the story!
20 Tough Questions On Life Even The Most Courageous Will Have A Hard Time Answering!
“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers,” Voltaire said. Whatever you’re dealing with right now, whatever you’re stuck on, give yourself a few minutes and think for a while about these questions on life, which will probably help you to ask your own questions of yourself. Don’t worry if you get the blues though, these are really tough questions that we all have a really hard time answering.
27 Movies That'll Freak You Out With Their Torture Scenes
We know for a fact that people can be very destructive. We can destroy the environment without giving a second thought to it. These movies in this list prove how far people can go both physically and psychologically in torturing other people. Friendly advice, don't watch them all in a movie marathon, try to put some romantic comedies in between.There are other films whose torture scenes are pretty tough but I personally didn't like on the whole.: 'Snuff 102 (2008), Srpski film (2010), Cannibal Holocaust (1980), Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975), The Human Centipede (2009)'The movies were listed according to their IMDb rating.The storylines were taken from IMDb.
23 Creepy Historical Photos That Will Haunt Your Nightmares
Isn’t it amazing to know and understand what really happened in the past? It’s truly an eye opener to know how people lived before, how they suffered and survived those times. By learning history, it makes us appreciate what we currently have.But history can also give us fear, an unimaginable creepy feeling of uneasiness, especially if you see these spooky old photographs. After seeing these images you'll break out in a cold sweat and we can't guarantee that you will sleep peacefully tonight.
15 Ways To Always Look Awesome On Your FB And IG Photos!
In an era of selfies, you have to make sure that your social media profiles have looks that kill. For those who failed in this game before, we prepared some tips and tricks. Read these 15 tricks below and you're ready to win the game.
30 Brainy Movies That Will Make You Go WTF?!
These mind-bending, mentally stimulating movies are not for your pajama parties, fellas. Their stories, editing, and sometimes even the visual complexities of them can make you feel a little, well, “not-so-brainy” if you insist on not paying attention. So clear your mind, and enjoy the challenge! The list is not in order, and the storylines were taken from IMDb.
18 Secrets Women's Bathrooms Hold And We're Dying To Hear!
A women’s bathroom is no ordinary place. It keeps your deepest, dirtiest secrets that you wouldn’t even tell to your best friend. Basically, what happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom. Here are 18 of those things that happen in the women’s bathroom that no one talks about!
13 Before And After Photos Of People Who Had Facial Transplants
There are dozens of people whose faces have been destroyed or burned for various reasons. Facial transplant operations carried out by taking faces off cadavers are a great hope for these people.Here are before and after photos of 13 patients who have had face transplant operations from all over the world:
The Evolution Of Female Characters That Popular Culture Has Offered To Girls!
It's not easy to come by these days! We wouldn't be wrong if we claim that every book, every movie, or every TV series serves to abolish or to strengthen certain ideologies. Everything is political; even the animated movies for children!Now we're setting out on a journey starting with the first adaptation of old fairy tales to the latest productions, and we'll see how 'ideal' female characters have changed.
The Latest And Craziest Fashion Trend: A Camel Toe Underwear!
We are facing one of the strange trends women have recently adopted. These underwear give the appearance of a camel toe, making a situation that normally looks extraordinary like normal. In the content we compiled from Elite Daily, we leave you alone with one of the most stunning crazes of recent times.
Tell Us Your Birth Date And Learn Your Ultimate Destiny!
As small beings who are scattered in divine order, we are all in the strange cycle.According to Islamic origin, date of birth and family-related Arab information astrology, there is a tradition that gives little clues about our fate with the help of the stars.It is very difficult these days to look at your horoscope because of the fact that the people of this business are gradually decreasing.As the Onedio team, we brought your horoscope to your feet.
15 Most Random Things People Have Found In Their Homes
You never know what to expect from your life. You might ran into the most random thing at times you least expect them or maybe you don't expect them at all. While some of you will be glad that wasn't your place, some of you will envy those unexpected things.
Man Finds Out That His Girlfriend Of 3 Years Was An Escort!
We love someone and think that we know everything about them. Most of you probably had affairs who were seeing other people at the same time or who cheated on you while you were together. But these things happen all the time, but this story is mind blowing. This man learned that his girlfriend of 3 years was also an escort. He preferred to make his girlfriend confess instead of confronting her. Let's see how the conversation went.