15 Extraordinary Events That Really Have Happened To Make You Question The World!
There are many things in the world we can't find answers to. We call them a mystery or just a coincidence. Whatever the case, they're sometimes good and sometimes spooky. We don't know if they're supernatural stuff that nobody can solve or all of them have a solid explanation. Whatever the case, we put together 15 of these interesting scenarios that happened or are happening in the world at the moment.
Oh It's On! Can You Spot What’s Wrong With These 10 Pictures?
This time we won’t be testing your math skills or ability to think outside the box, instead, let’s find out how strong your observation skills are! Each of these 10 pictures has one inaccuracy in them. You can see the answers by clicking on the blurred pictures below them.
A New Way Of Playing Hide And Seek: Where Is The Hidden Dildo?
A few years back, Dominyka Jurkštaitė, and some friends started a rather unique game called Subtle Dildo. The idea was simple, some guys hid a dildo in various pictures and it was your job to find it as quickly as possible. Think Where's Waldo, but for grown-ups.Well since then, they've created a whole bunch of new challenges, and with an Instagram following of over 32k, they're clearly popular among a niche crowd of dildo spotters. Feeling like you might rise to the challenge? Then check out the pictures below. Be warned's harder than it looks!If you want to check out more photos, you can follow then on their Instagram page.
16 Horrifying Facts About Humans Revealed In 'Sapiens: A Brief History Of Humankind'
One of the best books recently written is A Brief History of Human Kind, by Noah Harari, in 2012.As readers of the book know, the story Noah tells is that of modern man, the Homo Sapiens, came out of North Africa and seized the world by eliminating, or in other words, destroying all other human species such as Homo Erectus and Neanderthal.This book tells the history of mankind and what is likely to happen in the future in a simple way. There is really much to be learned from this book!
All 50 States Summed Up By One Image Each!
The United States is a vast and diverse country, with each state having its own distinct personality.  Though it can be hard to put those personalities into words, a picture can speak volumes.  We've compiled a list of the states summed up in a single photo each.  Enjoy!
11 Sex Hacks For Better Quality Of Sex And Higher Chances Of Orgasms!
There are fun secrets that you learn over the span of your life as a sexually active being and if you're a good person, you share them with your community. In times of need, you might resort to your kitchen for what ends up being the best lube of all time, or maybe you realize what you needed all along was just a pair of socks. Sex hacks are just an easy way of saying, “Here are some things that might improve your sex life.”
13 Tongue Twisting Facts About Kissing We Don't Hear Every Day!
We don't have to say kissing is one of the sweetest, hottest things in the world, right? Some people like the 'french kiss,' while others prefer a more innocent one. If you think what is there that we don't know about kissing, let's look at our content and see what these interesting facts are. Whether it's a peck on the cheek or a passionate tongue twister, here's everything you never knew about kissing.
27 Psychological Facts That Will Leave You Feeling As Light As A Bird!
Our minds are labyrinths. There is no way of truly understanding its power. Each and every one of us behaves in a different way. We show signs that nobody understands or get signs we never think have even existed. Luckily, there are some things we do subconsciously that have some explanation. Let's see what else we have to learn about psychology and our minds.
The Most Ruthless Japanese Doctor Known For His Brutal Tortures: Shiro Ishii
War is something that can never be accepted. There's not a good way of dying. But some methods used in wars are worse than others and it makes you wish people hadn't died like that. Before, we shared a listicle about the inhumane act that was done in Nazi concentration camps. In this list, we're going to take a look at one these brutal issues. Here is the dark story of Shiro Ishii that caused massacre using the biological warfare techniques in the Second Chinese-Japanese War and the World War II:
20 Posing Tricks For Women Who Want Killer Looks In Photos!
Everybody wants to look great in photos. Do you have a favorite pose when someone's taking your photo? You don't have to limit yourself with a single pose from now on. Following poses will help you look like a model in every photo you took from now on!
20 Typography Images That Visualize Mental Disorders Brilliantly
Slovak graphic designer Igor Kupec suffered from generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks during his college years. He says that those were the worst times of his life, and later he was intrigued by the idea of visualizing mental disorders with typography, as it would enable him to take the issue from a graphic designer’s perspective. What’s interesting is that he says “I was able to visualize many of them, except the one I was struggling with.”Here are 20 mental disorders and their reflections on the art of typography by Igor Kupec.Descriptions of the illnesses and disorders were taken from Wikipedia.
11 Strange But Sneaky Facts Your Physical Appearance Reveal About You!
Everybody judges. Within a few seconds of seeing someone — whether on a date or at the grocery store — we decide numerous things about them, from how smart they are to how likely they are to commit a crime. Surprisingly, our first impressions can be remarkably accurate in some instances. In others, they can be wildly off base.Here are a few of the things about people based on how they look.
Which Doctor Who Character Is Your Soulmate?
The science fiction masterpiece of the BBC and maybe the world’s longest TV show, Doctor Who, is our test's topic this time! We gathered the characters that were on the series after 2005 and compiled a fun test for you to find out which of them is your soulmate. Shall we start?
Are You Smooth Enough? Try To Impress Mia On This Date Night Quiz If You Can ;)
Time to check out how smooth you are with this test. You haven't been with anyone in a long time and it looks like you're totally cool about it... But secretly you're fretting over it. Your buddy Manuel is aware of this so he's trying to match you with girls. His latest suitor is his good friend from school, Mia. You agree to go out with her and today's the day. You have Mia's number, now let's see if you can manage to stop being single by impressing her.