The Scary Disorder That Makes You Eat Yourself: Dermatophagia
This illness, which is pretty common, is actually a psychological disorder. When you think about it, you know many people around you who eat their nail skins. Though it is common to see lots of people do it in public, it hasn't had much research done in the medical field. Let's take a closer look at what this disorder is.
24 Crazy Facts About Quantum Physics That'll Blow You Away
Do you like surfing deep inside your mind?How about learning new things and getting lost in the infinite world of knowledge?We've done our research and found a lot of things about quantum physics and how it can change our world. Read the article and start wondering the possibilities of the future and what it has in store for us!
10 Of The Best Documentaries About The Internet And The Cyberculture
Over the last few decades, the Internet has grown to an essential communication tool that it became practically impossible to stay away from. Over 500 million tweets are sent in a day, Facebook has almost 940 million daily active users and Google currently processes over 40,000 searches a second! In a world like this, it was inevitable for a unique culture to occur online with its own ethical dilemmas and financial complexities. Documentary filmmakers are one of those who started long ago to think of all of these through in a critical way. We’ve collected 10 of the best documentary movies which explore the world of the Internet and the cyberculture!
Where Do The Names Of The Planets And Their Moons Come From?
We all know that the names of the planets were taken from the mythological characters, but we have little or no idea of who they are or why these planets were named after them. In this list, we put together the planets and some of their moons and tried to find where they got their names from.Some facts first: until the telescope was found, Romans named the five main planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) after their gods. It was later found that planet Neptune was also named after a Roman god. Uranus and Earth are the only planets that weren't.
Top 10 Countries With The Most Engineering Graduates!
As everyone knows, the key to progress in the world is technology and using this technology in production. The products that are produced with high technology determines the countries' place in the world economy and the people of these countries live in prosperity. In this sense, countries investing in engineering and education about engineering is the main point of their welfare. The countries which understood this problem and are on the verge of solving it are the countries that invest most in engineering education. Let's take a look at countries that produce the most graduates of engineering.
The Dark Internet: Mysteries Of The Deep Web Are Revealed One By One!
Internet. The general name of the complex web structure that dominates our lives in this century.How much do internet users know about the internet? The generally known fact is that there is far too much more information on the internet than what a human mind can hold.So does this darknet (deep web) concern a regular internet user? We think not. If a person can find all the information he/she needs on the web, the internet would be sufficient. On the contrary, the deep part of the web has been a very interesting subject lately. Urban legends introduce deep web as the den of criminals.If you are interested in technology, you must have heard of Ross Ulbricht, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden. Ross Ulbricht: a former darknet market operator convicted of creating and running the Silk Road until his 2013 arrest. He is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.Julian Assange: the founder of WikiLeaks, where many top secret documents of different countries were published.Edward Snowden: an American computer professional, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee and former contractor for the United States government who copied and leaked classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013.So if the web we know of is only the tip of the iceberg, how big can the whole web be?This is exactly what we are going to explore in the research we are sharing.
23 Random Things Your Brain Will Recognize As Eyes!
Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a stimulus wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something while none actually exists. Basically, it's seeing something familiar in random objects. Our brains create wonders in recognizing faces. That's why we see faces on random objects. We made a list of 23 random things that look like eyes, thanks to our brain. 👀
19 Famous Paradoxes And Thought Experiments That Will Melt Your Brain!
A paradox is a statement or problem that either appears to produce two entirely contradictory (yet possible) outcomes, or provides proof for something that goes against what we expect. Paradoxes and thought experiments have always been a central part of philosophical thinking and are always ready to challenge our interpretation of otherwise simple situations. Below you’ll find a list of 19 of the most famous paradoxes and some other thought experiments that kept many minds busy for years, and some of them even for centuries!
10 People Who Claim To Have Had Sex With Aliens
There are many people who claim to have gotten in contact with aliens and their numbers are increasing. But the people who are included in our list are probably the most outstanding because what they're saying is beyond our imagination.
What Do Geniuses Eat? Here's Nikola Tesla's Diet
Nikola Tesla had clearly one of the most creative and productive minds in world history. He did numerous valuable research projects and always knew how to stay energetic and focused. Let’s learn how he stayed sharp and active from his own words.