The Most Ruthless Japanese Doctor Known For His Brutal Tortures: Shiro Ishii
The Most Ruthless Japanese Doctor Known For His Brutal Tortures: Shiro Ishii
War is something that can never be accepted. There's not a good way of dying. But some methods used in wars are worse than others and it makes you wish people hadn't died like that. Before, we shared a listicle about the inhumane act that was done in Nazi concentration camps. In this list, we're going to take a look at one these brutal issues. Here is the dark story of Shiro Ishii that caused massacre using the biological warfare techniques in the Second Chinese-Japanese War and the World War II:
Dr. Ishii was a military doctor in the Japanese Imperial Army.
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Dr. Ishii spent his early career researching the biological and chemical warfare techniques used in World War I.
The camp was closed in 1936 after a few people escaped and spread the word that crimes against humanity were committed there.
To prevent the closure of the new site, it was named as the "Epidemic Disease Prevention and Water Treatment Center."
There weren't only Chinese prisoners in Unit 731.
Moreover, the torture that occurred was not limited to these.
An important issue investigated in Unit 731 was how long a person could live in certain situations.
Prisoners were also used to work on with diseases.
Japan used new biological warfare and torture techniques developed in Unit 731 in World War II.
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