50 Movies All Men Love!
We made a list of movies that women love earlier, and now it’s time for a list for men!If you expect a list full of  testosterone-fueled flicks, then we’ll disappoint you. Because you’ll find a lot more about manhood in these movies: the stories of fatherhood, men in love, men in military, brotherhood and more!Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.Check out the list of movies that women love.
11 Fictional Male Characters That Would Be Great In Bed
Sometimes, when we are reading a book, we come across such a character that we start imagining that character differently than any other one. You try to picture every detail and put everything in its place. That character is yours now, because it is a product of your imagination; you might even daydream about this character. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Men From 10 Different Countries All Rated For Your Pleasure!
We don't know why we did this, but you are way more likely to come across guys from different countries given the rising globalization. We just wanted you to know more about them before you hook up with international guys. Here are guys from 10 different countries! We also would like to kindly remind you that there are always exceptions, so keep an open mind if you are a woman. If you are a man, please don't get pissed off, we are just having fun here.P.S.: Don't let the photos raise your expectations too much, we picked the especially yummy ones!
20 Movies About Prison Life That Must Be Watched
There are many movies about love, passion, war, comedy etc. But the ones about being behind bars are more bitter. They captivate you with their stories and you feel like you've become one of their cell mates. We picked these amazing 20 movies for everyone to watch and added a few more respected nominees at the end. The list is not in any particular order so let us know which one is your favorite.Enjoy the list.Storylines were taken from IMDb.
Wise Words From 16 Famous People On How To Succeed In Life
We’ve all heard how different real life is than it was at school. New-graduates tend to be disappointed in their first jobs and have a hard time getting used to life outside of a college campus. In this list, you’ll find very useful tips and inspiring stories from very successful people who’ve been through what we all struggled with at first. Most of them are far from all those clichés you’ve been told about life, and in particular: failure. They don’t even hesitate to speak up about their mistakes, which made them all modest and conscious about how they succeeded in life. So here are some excellent remarks from 16 of the best commencement speeches ever given...
Id, Ego or Superego: Which One Leads You?
According to Sigmund Freud’s theory, there are 3 different types of mechanisms that control us, leading how we react in public and decide what we value the most: Id, Ego and Superego. These parts combine to create complex human behavior, but which one are you driven by?
11 Solid Reasons Why You Should Date A Woman With No Feelings!
There's a special subset of women who get a bad rep because they're not the bubbly, outwardly girly, let’s-share-our-feelings type of characters. They largely keep to themselves, don't show much affectation and are frequently written off as cold b.tches by other women and men.These ladies, however, are anything but heartless brutes. In fact, they possess a much deeper, purer kind of character because it's kept hidden from view so often. These are the women who deal with their problems on their own and don't like going to people when they're upset.Here are the 11 good qualities of unemotional women, which make them ideal partners:
14 Unwritten Rules Of Eating And Drinking!
Ok, we get it. Everybody has their way of doing things. These small things make you who you are. But if you're eating with others, there are some unwritten rules that you have to follow. We put together a couple of them. We hope our readers don't do any of these. Enjoy the list.
16 Sad Memories From Our Childhoods
In our childhood years, when our emotions were at their purest and we were the definition of innocence, some things literally destroyed us. As painful as it was back then, now they have all turned into precious memories.
FBI Statistics Show Which Horoscopes Are More Inclined To Murder!!!
There are many stereotypes about the definitive features of zodiac signs. 'Virgos don't forgive quickly,' 'Leos don't look back' or 'Capricorns crush others' and so on...This time it's different. There are official statistics about the subject. The FBI recently published a report on the relationship between birth dates and star signs of famous serial killers. The results are quite interesting!Let's see which zodiac signs are real psychopaths!
19 Ugly Bettys From Around The World and Their Transformations
The original version of Ugly Betty, Yo soy Betty, la fea was broadcast first in Colombia in 1999. After the show's huge success, the series was shot in 130 different countries.When we look at the different Bettys from all around the world, we can see that there is not a certain pattern between those women. While the differences are extreme in some, others stayed almost the same.
23 Quotes On God And Religion From Famous Thinkers
Some of them preferred not to have faith because of the crooked world order, some chose to deny religion as a result of their thought system, rationality and scientific studies of their own.  They expressed these ideas in their books, novels, in daily discussions with ordinary people, or in interviews... What make these statements striking, probably, are their deep concern for what religion or god means for the majority of people, and how misleading they can be. Well, here are 23 quotes from famous philosophers, scientists and novelists on religion and faith...
13 Very Interesting Facts About Lips!
Eating, talking, kissing, mimicking... These all become possible with the help of our lips. Here are some interesting and mind-blowing facts about lips that you've never heard before!👄
The 13 Most Prominent Features Of Ignorant People
Ignorant people are everywhere. We have all met them at some point in of our lives. School, work, family dinners... Spotting these people can be helpful for you to avoid them in a second. Next time you meet a person like this, accept the fact that they won't be able to understand you. Don't spend your precious time trying to talk sense into them.
40 Of The Funniest Movies To Cheer You Up Instantly!
Are you having a difficult day? Don't know how you are going to make it until the weekend? Pick a movie from this list and watch it. Life will be much better afterwards!😌👍***All of the movie storylines are taken from IMDb.🎥
16 Famous Authors Who Committed Suicide
Studies show that writers are twice as likely to commit suicide than other people. Although the correlation between creativity and mental illnesses is open to discussion, there is no doubt that the literary world has suffered many losses, as many geniuses have had troubles making peace with life. We’ve collected 16 of them to remember and praise, once again, their great contributions to literature.