Can We Guess Your Sex Life From The Shape Of Your Hand?
The way we walk, we talk, we eat, basically everything we do says a lot about us. But can our physical body give away information about us as well? The answer is yes! In this test, we're telling you what kind of a person you are in bed according to your hand shape.
What Would Your Name Be If You Were Italian?
The leaning tower of Pisa, pizza, fashion; I mean Italians have shaped our lives in every aspect. It's no wonder everybody thinks they're awesome. But have you ever thought what your name would be if you'd been born in Italy? Well, this test gives you an answer to that question!
Find Your Destiny According To Indian Astrology!
Indian astrology is shaped with thousands of years of wisdom of India. Contrary to the western astrology, it doesn't leave any space for possibilities or energy. It prophesizes your destiny in a fatalist way.You won't believe what kind of clues this star cluster focused ancient knowledge will give you about your destiny.
20 Cruel & Funny Insults In Different Languages
Culture plays a great role in shaping perspectives and therefore, languages. If you want to insult your friends like a boss, you should use these insults compiled by 9gag from all over the world. Your sophistication alone will crush your addressee. Let's see what people all over the world find insulting and how delicately they put these. :)
33 Movies That'll Bring Out The Hopeless Romantic In You!
If you forgot to make dinner reservations for Valentine's Day this year, don't worry — there are plenty of other ways to create romance.  You can just cook and watch a romantic movie together.Since no one wants to sit through 'The Notebook' again, we've put together a list of great romantic movies that everyone will enjoy.
44 Heartwarming Movies About Friendship
“The one who has a good friend doesn't need any mirror” Rumi once said. So we listed 44 movies for you to remember how important it is to build strong friendships at every step in your life.What is “heartwarming” about these movies is not necessarily the stories they tell by the way, it’s the long-lasting, strong friendships between the characters that will restore your faith and hope in humanity :)Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.
The Real Voices Of Black Rights: 11 Legendary Black Female Singers!
From South Africa to the United States, the black rights issue is again on top of the global political agenda. Although the civil rights movement has a long history by now, it’s heartbreaking to see so many issues still remaining unsolved in 2016. In this post, however, we won’t be looking at the milestones or influential political leaders of the black rights movement. Instead, you’ll find 11 of the greatest female black singers from various musical genres who are also remembered with their political activism or with their songs touching on issues like freedom, social justice, black history, and on top of all: being a black woman.The list is in chronological order.
40 Not-So-Famous Movies That Are In Fact Admirable!
If you feel like you’ve watched all the Hollywood hits and you’re not very into chick flicks, or if you just think that there must be great movies out there that are not so very famous, we’re here for you! These 40 movies won’t disappoint you at all; rather they will remind you that you will never run out of good movies to watch. Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.
25 Movies With Ambiguous Endings That Will Leave You Puzzled
Storytelling in cinema is composed of a beginning, a middle, and an end. Well, at least traditionally. Sometimes, the writer leaves the ending up to the viewer, and you just sit there staring at the screen with empty eyes, wondering what the hell just happened. If you’re one of those who actually like that feeling, we made a list of 25 movies with open endings. After all, what is art for if it doesn’t trigger you, make your brain work, and make you really wonder: WTF just happened? Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.
10 Amazing Characteristics Of Intimidating Women
You may think that something’s wrong with you, being told that everyone else but you is getting married or having babies etc etc... But maybe something is wrong with society itself, and its expectations from women. So don’t worry if people around you call you “intimidating” because “intimidating” women are gorgeous. Here’s why:
34 Romance Movies That Will Make You Want To Fall In Love
“There is no happy love” Aragon once said. Well, we think there might be, but not all of them have “happy” endings, probably. All the great love stories, in one way or another, have their fair share of tragedy. Still, a life without love does not seem very tempting, does it? Here are 34 movies to remind you of that...Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.
Which Playing Card Are You?
In standard 52-card deck, each card has a meaning and they differ in their ranks. This time, we’re not inviting you to a table to play, but will tell you which playing card represents you the best! Take the test and find out if you’re the Ace of Clubs, the Queen of Hearts, or something else!
30 Melancholic Movies About Loneliness!
Hey there, lonely hearts! This time we collected 30 movies to remind you that the best company sometimes is just yourself. No matter how insistent and annoying society is, calling you over everyday and asking you to blend in, we know that you’re just fine. And sometimes, you’re even better off without them!Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.
What Is Your Mathematical Personality Type?
You have been wondering many things about yourself and reading about your zodiac sign, taking tests to learn about your IQ and EQ. Mathematics is such an important part of our lives, but have you ever wondered which part of it relates to  your personality? Let’s find out!
35 Of The Most Gruesome And Unsettling Paintings In Western Art
Sometimes, an artist's imagination reaches out to the darkest places in the human soul.  Disturbing and terrifying images come out on the canvas, and we get thrilled by the eeriness.We’ve made a list of 35 of the most terrifying art pieces in Western Art, which will strike you with admiration and disturb you both with their background stories and their atmospheres at the same time.
Sci-Fi At Its Best: 45 Movies About Time Travel
The theme of time travel has always had a special place in Sci-Fi cinema and literature, and it is now living its golden age. Especially after Christopher Nolan’s Inception was released in 2014, time travel has become a very popular topic again for science fiction authors, directors and for the audiences. So, we listed 45 of the best time travel movies for you to enjoy!Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.
Whose Boobs Are Bigger? Here's A List Of The Countries.
According to the research made possible by the participation of 400,000 women from every country, the USA has the biggest boobs by far. The research results were published in Female Health Sciences magazine. Women who had plastic surgery, who gave birth in the last year, or who were currently pregnant or breastfeeding were excluded from the research.
17 Non-Profit Movies You'll Have A Hard Time Believing!
You don’t always get what you expect. In cinema, especially, you need to be ready to take risks when putting money on promising productions because, well, things can turn out to be much different than what you hoped for. In the list below, you’ll find very popular and beloved movies that disappointed their producers at the box office when they were first released. However, their true value was recognized a bit later and many of them are now considered to be modern classics!Production budgets and total gross numbers were taken from  Box Office Mojo, and the storylines are from IMDB. 
50 Movies All Women Love!
Men and women tend to have different tastes in movies. Although it’s easy to explain these preferences with gender roles in our modern culture and blame it on stereotypes, there’s one thing for sure: Some movies have more impact on women, as they tell “their” stories. In the list below, you’ll find stories of women in love, women in art, women struggling with motherhood, women in power, women who are “bad” or “unlikable, ” women who try to survive in a male-dominated society, and more…We’ve also made a list of movies men love, that you should definitely check out!Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.