15 Reasons Why Gamers Make Great Husbands!
You called them losers, you called them nerd and geek. We made great research about them and proved that gamers are actually great people and also great husbands!And here's our proof!
16 Common Traits Of The People Who Can't Express Themselves Properly
We live alongside with people who can't  express themselves correctly because of modesty, shyness or because they find it unnecessary. These people, who are mostly ignored, underrated and overlooked, are actually not how we believe them to be.If only they could tell us about it...
28 Blissful Moments Women Should Be Thankful For Their Boobs!
Tits are one of the many wonders of human body and obviously loved and adored by everyone. Fluffy, plump plump dollish things. Do not associate it with sexuality straight away as it is pretty related. But there are loads of other enjoyable things you can do with them. We found several, you work up the rest!
10 Facts You Should Know About Nomophobia: Fear Of Being Without A Mobile Phone!
Today, smart phone addiction is a phenomenon becoming more and more common but also as damaging as any other addiction, such as alcohol or gambling. It's normal to see all the people obsessively looking at their phone screens all the time, checking-in on FB, tweeting, sharing something on instagram regardless of place: on the bus, at the office, in toilet, while walking on the street, or even on a date! It's so serious that some people experience anxiety and stress due to the fear of not having access to a mobile phone. So, Nomophobia is a term introduced to conceptualize this phenomenon.
It's Not As Easy As You Think: 15 Facts About Being A "Centaur"
Centaur is a mythological creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. They're always portrayed in movies or books as wise, kind and strong creatures with their six-pack absi making most people think it must be awesome to be a centaur. But is it? Let's objectively think together about what it's like to be a Centaur...
18 Tempting Reasons To Bring Your Attention To Guys' Hands!
You think it’s just a very common statement? Don’t think so at all! A proper hand care is something ignored by so many guys out there. If a guy takes care of his hands, he probably takes care of his whole body very carefully. Help yourself out to find out!
25 Biggest Empires In The History
So you think the most famous empire, Roman Empire would be the biggest? It’s not even on the list! (It almost made it, though!) Here, time to lean some historical facts and be amazed! These facts are based on Wikipedia and put together for the historical nerd in you. So the fact credits go to Wikipedia and its contributors.
11 Tips To Identify A Man With Father Issues
We know men typically have issues with their fathers. Just like women. But sometimes they just can’t get over them and new issues keep coming up. Here's your guide to know if a guy has father issues.