Where Did The Zodiac Names Come From?
Throughout history, people have tried to understand the stars that they see in the sky and put them into groups so that they could analyze them. There are 88 known constellations in the sky. Twelve of them are seen in the same place at the same time in the sky as the earth orbits around the sun. It's not known whether these 12 constellations get their names from zodiac signs or the other way around, but all of them have stories based in mythology. Here are some of the stories telling us where the names of the signs came from.
12 Songs To Listen To When You're Very Mad!
You're mad.  Whether it's at your boyfriend, a parent, or even the world, sometimes the best remedy is blasting your music and getting the rage out.  Here's where we come in.  We gathered some of the BEST songs to play when you need to release your angst.  We hope you feel better when you're done with this list!
21 Powerful Memos From Children To Their Parents!
Parents and teachers prepare lists and memos for children all the time: a list of books to be read, a list of homework to be done, a list of general safety rules, etc. An elementary school in Belmont, however, has tried something new. They gave an unusual kind of memo which was written from a child’s perspective, and one of the moms shared it on Facebook. Here is that list, which includes incredibly insightful advices to parents…
30 Movies Proving The Importance Of Family!
Let's make one thing clear. Though these movies are about families, that doesn't mean you can watch them with your family. You might want to watch some of them alone or with friends before you decide on watching with your families. Having said that, we're sure you'll really enjoy watching these family related movies. The movies are listed according to their IMDb ratings. Enjoy the list.The storylines were taken from IMDb.
20 Great Movies To Watch With Your Partner
Sure, none of us love chick flicks, but at times, they can be good. We all need some romantic time with our partners and what's a better way to do it than sit at home and watch romantic movies. We put together 20 of those movies that we're sure you'll also enjoy with your partner.The movies aren't listed in particular order, so you may choose any of them; they're all great. Enjoy the list.The storylines were taken from IMDb.
19 British Period Dramas That Prove Love Was Better Back Then
In this list, we put together British period movies that we believe are the most movie-lover like. These movies, which were adapted to screenplays from books, mostly criticize a period when the role of the woman was to be loyal. Here are some outstanding period movies that we hope you'll enjoy.The movies were listed according to their IMDb ratings. Enjoy the listThe storylines were taken from IMDb.
28 Misleading Photos You Need To Look At Twice
Our eyes and mind have become incredibly successful at playing tricks on us. We see what we want to see, and at first glance, optical illusions can make a very normal photo seem off, weird or downright wrong. These misleading photos will make you say WTF because all of them were taken at hilariously perfect timing that misleads our view. You will have to look twice to understand what’s going on in there.
22 Road Movies That'll Give You The Taste Of Freedom
Being on the road is always fun and adventurous. If you're going somewhere for a vacation or going on a school/business trip, it's always new and exciting. You see places you've never seen before and meet people that are not similar to those you see around you all the time.Movies about this theme always have a different taste. The characters overcome obstacles and show us how life differs in other places. In this list we put together some movies that take place on the road and we hope they will give you a push to get up and travel. The list is not in anyparticular order. If we forgot to put in your favorites, we're sorry in advance. Enjoy the list.The storylines were taken from IMDb.
17 Commonly Used Excuses To Masturbate (Like You Need Any)
We’ve collected the most commonly used, random excuses people make to masturbate. It’s easy and fun. You can try all of these at home. Actually, someone should create a “random excuses for masturbation” generator. Until then, here are 17 of them for you to get the idea. Read them as if you’ve never used them before.
23 Reasons Why You Should Stop Wishing Your Hair Was Curly!
The expression 'the grass is always greener on the other side' could have been coined for women with curly hair. Although we find it difficult to understand those who say 'Awww, I wish my hair was curly, too,' without knowing any of the hardships we have to go through, it still makes us happy. Careful what you wish for; get your facts 'straight' first (no pun was originally intended).
12 Typical And Funny Things College Freshmen Do!
Starting college is the closing of one chapter and the start of another one. It is a new page in a new life. That's the exact reason why people make preparations for this new chapter in their lives, change themselves to be able to adapt. This brings out new types of behavior that we frequently see in most college freshmen, but what are they? Here are 12 possible things most freshmen do!
19 Alternative Superpowers You Wish You Had!
Invisibility, flying, reading minds, turning inanimate objects into gold; these superpowers would be great, but they get a bit boring and old-fashioned as we are constantly bombarded with the same old stories. It’s time to get a little more imaginative, don’t you think?  Here are 19 alternative superpowers you would be very, very glad to have.
17 Things Everybody Secretly Does In The Shower!
The shower is a private area for everybody (unless you decide to shower with another -hopefully special- person to save some water; because you know, climate change and all). But let's face it, we are more inclined to share our bed or bedroom with somebody else than we are willing to share our fun and private time in the shower, or in the bath (you are lucky if you have one). We do such stupid sh*t in this private 'temple' of our own that we laugh at it ourselves when we reflect on it later. Let's see some classic and some more specific shower-action!
40 Of The Greatest Iranian Movies You Should See
Iranian cinema has been ranked by many critics lately as the world's most important national cinema. Especially in the last twenty years, many international film festivals, famous directors and critics have honored Iranian cinema, and Persian movies have won hundreds of awards with their artistic achievements, universality, and their mostly dramatic, impressive stories.Here are 40 of those beautiful, striking movies from Iranian cinema that you should definitely add to your watch list. The list is not in any kind of rank order and the storylines were taken from IMDb. 
19 Dumb Things Guys Do When They're Alone!
When we are on our own, we tend to do the most random things that we normally wouldn't do. What are guys doing? This list compiles some of these random things guys do when no one is watching!
24 Nightclub Photos Gone So Wrong!
Night clubs are supposed to be fun places where you get away from all of your daily troubles. The idea of losing yourself is good but when it comes to capturing these moments in photos, hilarious scenes might occur!The following photos are each proving this claim in the most hilarious way! You might reconsider taking photos at the night clubs after seeing those!Source
The 15 Worst Orgy Stories You Definitely Can't Top!
BuzzFeed asked its Community members for their orgy horror stories and here are the hilarious and cringeworthy results. But before you start reading, please beware that some of the stories are so bad that they might make you quit sex forever!
24 Empowering Short Poems From Feminist Poet Rupi Kaur
Rupi Kaur is a famous poet on Instagram, popular for her feminist short poems. Rupi's new book Milk and Honey has made it to the New York Times bestseller list. She's dedicated passionately to the women's empowerment movement. We love that women are getting more self-conscious everyday, and this self-consciousness is not even about the outer appearance. We are really brave to be ourselves in a society where girls are thought to be everything but themselves. It's not about shinier hair, softer skin or behaving like a good girl anymore. Fuck all that. Degrading our value to only outer appearance, making us live as sexual objects and imprisoning us with rules must have been history by now. We can be whoever we want to be, inside and outside. We don't have to follow the rules people create for us any longer.Rupi states her motive to share what she wrote on social media as follows: “It seemed more important for me to express solidarity with women going through similar struggles than to continue being that 'polite, shy, quiet girl'.” Let's take a look at what this inspirational woman has to say on life, through her beautiful poems...