23 Reasons Why You Should Stop Wishing Your Hair Was Curly!
The expression 'the grass is always greener on the other side' could have been coined for women with curly hair. Although we find it difficult to understand those who say 'Awww, I wish my hair was curly, too,' without knowing any of the hardships we have to go through, it still makes us happy. Careful what you wish for; get your facts 'straight' first (no pun was originally intended).
1. You can never decide in advance on how to wear your hair.
Because it is impossible to predict what your hair will look like in the morning. 😔
2. If you are lucky, you might wake up like this:

Which is a dream come true. ☹
3. But you mostly wake up like this:

And you sadly decide that all you can do with this is a pony-tail.
4. Everybody around you tells you to straighten it or use a foam or something.

'I am not lazy, I just don't care.'
5. And you have given up on only straightening your bangs a long time ago.

6. And if you indeed decide to straighten your hair, you have to get up very early to make it to your appointment or wherever you are going on time. 😴

7. If you leave home without checking the weather forecast, you might end up like this:

8. You never understand why your friends want to touch your hair so bad. 🙄
9. Or they just want to pull on your ringlets...😒
10. You can't remember when you last brushed your dry hair.

Takes one to know how horrible this can be...
11. But you have had too many brushes like this:

12. And you feel like you are losing it...

13. You have tried thousands of hair bands.

Finding a solid and tight one makes you feel like the luckiest person in the world.
14. Sometimes you find those hair bands lost in your hair. 😳
'She has too much hair and it is full of secrets'
15. You can easily go through 4 bottles of hair conditioner before a bottle of shampoo.
16. You are too often asked if your hair is natural.
And even if people accept that it is natural, some still go on to ask how you get to make it curly. 🙄
17. They are truly shocked when you tell them about the curly-hair products that you use.

18. You try a new hairstyle but the result is far from how you have imagined it.

19. Recreating the salon-look is impossible. 😢
20. Remember how you once loved how beautiful your hair looked naturally? You can never get that look back, either.

21. Blow-drying is the biggest "nope" you have ever uttered.
22. If you've decided to stay at home, your hair looks more majestic than ever.

23. And you take more selfies than you have ever taken just to immortalize that majestic look!

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