Here Are 20 Math Movies For The Hidden Geniuses Out There!
There are so many movies that feature a scene or two with actual math content, sometimes they’re done to demonstrate how smart the main character is, and sometimes math is actually in the center of the story. Either way, it’s really fun to watch a good math movie since they show the limitlessness of human mind! Here are 20 of those amazing movies.
22 Popular Movies That Were Turned Into Books (For Some Reason)
Ages ago, when there were no DVDs (or even VCRs), fans could relive their favorite movies only by reading the books based on the screenplays. This was called “novelization” and we can’t blame anybody for that. That’s understandable. But it seems this trend won’t end anytime soon, considering that even V for Vendetta was made into a book. You might wonder if it’s a way to make even more money. Well, it’s your filthy mind. It’s definitely not that. Yeah. So here are 22 books based on popular movies, not for you to hate the original movie, hopefully…
17 Memorable Quotes From Casablanca, The Best Love Story Of All Time!
American film critic Andrew Sarris calls Casablanca “the happiest of happy accidents, and the most decisive exception to the auteur theory” of filmmaking. It’s hard to argue him, considering the unique atmosphere which made Casablanca an all-time classic romance movie. There are many reasons that make this movie just perfect; but striking, lyrical and memorable quotes are definitely one of them. Here are 17 of those beautiful lines from Casablanca!
10 Of The Best Documentaries About The Internet And The Cyberculture
Over the last few decades, the Internet has grown to an essential communication tool that it became practically impossible to stay away from. Over 500 million tweets are sent in a day, Facebook has almost 940 million daily active users and Google currently processes over 40,000 searches a second! In a world like this, it was inevitable for a unique culture to occur online with its own ethical dilemmas and financial complexities. Documentary filmmakers are one of those who started long ago to think of all of these through in a critical way. We’ve collected 10 of the best documentary movies which explore the world of the Internet and the cyberculture!
30 Movies With Bold Erotic Scenes Pushing The Boundaries!
In this list, we put together movies, not for their great scripts, but for the bold erotic scenes they have. For this reason, there may be some really good and not so good ones. You can even find movies of Pedro Almodorov, Stanley Kubrick, Roman Polanski and David Lynch. All of their movies are, I believe, masterpieces.The movies are not given in any particular order. Enjoy the list.The storylines were taken from IMDb.
11 Movies Slavoj Žižek Recommends To Make Sense Of Our Lives
Slavoj Žižek is considered the Elvis of philosophy. He is a Slovenian cultural critic and philosopher; and also international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities. He shared his favorite 11 movies that he thinks will best help us to make sense of the world we are a part in.
42 Deep Movies With Captivating Storylines That Will Suck You In!
Everyone loves a good movie. Whether it's by their favorite director or their favorite actors are playing in them. But we get the true taste of a movie from their storylines. It doesn't matter if they're sci-fi, drama or action movies. When a movie has a good storyline, it's definitely worth our time to watch. In this list, we put together 42 of them from sci-fi to drama. The list was not given in particular order and there may be ones we may have missed. Enjoy the list.The storylines were taken from IMDb.
39 Extraordinary Movies To Mess With Your Mind!
Most of the movies in this list are not a part of the popular culture. They're hidden somewhere in the past and couldn't find their places in other movie lists. There are also really popular ones which have always been at the top since the day they were made. Here are 39 movies that will make your mind go ''huh?'' The movies were listed according to their IMDb ratings.Enjoy the listThe storylines were taken from IMDb. 
29 Great Winter Movies To Watch In Cold Weather!
Some movies are remembered by their theme of winter. Sometimes winter is used in catastrophic scenes and sometimes it's used in romantic scenes to warm us up. We put together 29 movies that used the winter theme pretty well. The movies aren't listed in particular order. Enjoy the list.The storylines were taken from IMDb.
13 Interesting Facts About Pablo Escobar And 'Narcos'
We had been looking so forward to it, but the second season of the legendary series, Narcos is finally out! We thank Netflix again, for not only producing such a great show, but also releasing all episodes at the same time! All that's left for us to do is binge-watch the sh*t out of it! Here are some facts about the show and Pablo Escobar that not many people know!Caution: The content involves a small dosage of spoilers!
21 Movie Stars And Their Jaw Dropping Lifetime Earnings!
There’s no need to say that Hollywood is where money is. Spending millions of dollars can bring several hundred million dollars back. But whose movies bring the highest box office results? Who's worth more money? We compiled those highest grossing actors/actresses for you!
30 Movies Proving The Importance Of Family!
Let's make one thing clear. Though these movies are about families, that doesn't mean you can watch them with your family. You might want to watch some of them alone or with friends before you decide on watching with your families. Having said that, we're sure you'll really enjoy watching these family related movies. The movies are listed according to their IMDb ratings. Enjoy the list.The storylines were taken from IMDb.
20 Great Movies To Watch With Your Partner
Sure, none of us love chick flicks, but at times, they can be good. We all need some romantic time with our partners and what's a better way to do it than sit at home and watch romantic movies. We put together 20 of those movies that we're sure you'll also enjoy with your partner.The movies aren't listed in particular order, so you may choose any of them; they're all great. Enjoy the list.The storylines were taken from IMDb.
19 British Period Dramas That Prove Love Was Better Back Then
In this list, we put together British period movies that we believe are the most movie-lover like. These movies, which were adapted to screenplays from books, mostly criticize a period when the role of the woman was to be loyal. Here are some outstanding period movies that we hope you'll enjoy.The movies were listed according to their IMDb ratings. Enjoy the listThe storylines were taken from IMDb.
22 Road Movies That'll Give You The Taste Of Freedom
Being on the road is always fun and adventurous. If you're going somewhere for a vacation or going on a school/business trip, it's always new and exciting. You see places you've never seen before and meet people that are not similar to those you see around you all the time.Movies about this theme always have a different taste. The characters overcome obstacles and show us how life differs in other places. In this list we put together some movies that take place on the road and we hope they will give you a push to get up and travel. The list is not in anyparticular order. If we forgot to put in your favorites, we're sorry in advance. Enjoy the list.The storylines were taken from IMDb.
30 Puzzling Movies Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind!
Sometimes we watch movies to relax... Some other times we just want to ourselves 💀💀💀. If you are into pushing your intelligence to its boundaries, you should definitely check our list.
40 Of The Greatest Iranian Movies You Should See
Iranian cinema has been ranked by many critics lately as the world's most important national cinema. Especially in the last twenty years, many international film festivals, famous directors and critics have honored Iranian cinema, and Persian movies have won hundreds of awards with their artistic achievements, universality, and their mostly dramatic, impressive stories.Here are 40 of those beautiful, striking movies from Iranian cinema that you should definitely add to your watch list. The list is not in any kind of rank order and the storylines were taken from IMDb. 
37 Inspirational Movies About Education
You all remember that one teacher who was much different than the rest of the adults around you when you were a little kid, or when you were in high school making lives miserable with your teenage angst. We know you miss them, and have been looking for the same inspiration ever since. Well, don’t worry if you feel like you're being suffocated by adulthood. Here are 37 movies to remind you that you can look at the world with the enthusiasm of a teenager again no matter how old you get!Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.