26 Movie Characters Whose Unusual Hair Color We Love!
We have compiled this list of awesome and unforgettable characters with an unusual hair or wig color. We usually come across such characters in fantasy and sci-fi movies. It isn't easy to pull off such bright colors, but they do it like a boss. Spoiler alert: Yes, there is obviously more than one 'Joker.'
30 Movies To Mess With Your Psychology!
The psychological thriller is one of the best things that the cinema industry has found. The movies we put in this list seem to be the best examples of this kind. Though there are many movies in this category, we tried to only throw in the best ones. If you haven't watched them already, you should definitely start now.The movies were listed according to their IMDb ratings. Enjoy the list.The storylines were taken from IMDb.
The 30 Best Movies Of The Last 30 Years According To IMDb!
IMDB was created in 1990 and has information about almost every movie. This is a special list for this year.  In this list, we put together 30 movies that were made in the last 30 years and have been each voted to be the best by IMDb users.The movies were listed according to their year in which they were made. Enjoy the list.The storylines were taken from IMDb.
29 Movies That Don't Have Happy Endings
As the title might suggest, you're going to have spoilers if you haven't already seen these movies. If you're still willing to continue, then be my guest.We didn't put together the best movies with sad endings; we wanted to have some from each genre. The movies were listed according to their IMDb ratings. Enjoy the list.The storylines were taken from IMDb.
Top 30 Asian Movies For Romantic Comedy Lovers
While Asian cinema was once considered to be only Chinese kung fu movies and Japanese horror films in the Western imagination, some of the best Asian films in recent years have actually been romantic comedies. Asian cinema is certainly rising in popularity in the U.S. If you're looking for romance Korean movies, Asian comedy movies or Thai romantic comedy movies(even Chinese!) you're at right place. You can find the best Asian movies for romantic comedy lovers. Ranging from young love to old love to unconventional love, there's something for everyone on this list, and it's all guaranteed to put a smile on your face!
29 Ultimate Romantic Films Adapted From Books
There has always been a debate over films that are based on books, mainly because people believe that they don’t do the books justice. Well, it’s true that books have much more detail and drama, but it’s another thing to read about romance and watch it on screen (we’re not talking about erotica, dirty minds!). Example: If we had to choose between a book and Ryan Gosling, most of the ladies I know would vote for the latter, hands down.Check out our list of romantic films that are based on novels.
40 Must-See Movies Famous For Their Visual Language
Cinema stands at the intersection of literature, music and photography. Nevertheless, cinema is a visual art form. Some movies stick to our mind because of these strong visuals.This list contains 40 of these visually prominent movies that were released between 2011-2015. Have fun watching!P.S: This list is ordered by IMDb ratings.
25 Best Serial Killer Movies Of All Time
This list may not be a complete catalog of all the films about serial killers, but they are the greatest serial killer movies voted on by fans. Some of the best thrillers, horror and scary movies usually have a tormentor who scares the living wits out of the main characters and sometimes even kills them. These antagonists are the characters who make these serial killer movies so memorable.
33 Movies That'll Bring Out The Hopeless Romantic In You!
If you forgot to make dinner reservations for Valentine's Day this year, don't worry — there are plenty of other ways to create romance.  You can just cook and watch a romantic movie together.Since no one wants to sit through 'The Notebook' again, we've put together a list of great romantic movies that everyone will enjoy.
44 Heartwarming Movies About Friendship
“The one who has a good friend doesn't need any mirror” Rumi once said. So we listed 44 movies for you to remember how important it is to build strong friendships at every step in your life.What is “heartwarming” about these movies is not necessarily the stories they tell by the way, it’s the long-lasting, strong friendships between the characters that will restore your faith and hope in humanity :)Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.
34 Action Movies That'll Give You An Adrenaline Rush
We would like to take you to a tour through some of the fastest, meanest, most destructive action movies ever shown in the movies. While we tried to keep the choices action movie-centric (which meant excluding some classic films like Star Wars, Avengers, Avatar, The Dark Knight, Matrix, Transformers etc. which just didn’t feel at home with the rest of the movies chosen), there’s undoubtedly some genre-bleeding, but you can rest assured that every movie on this will raise your adrenaline and have you craving more car chases, more slow motion shootouts, more cocky one-liners and definitely more epic explosions. Here are 34 of the greatest action movies of all time, just for you.
40 Great Movies With Super-powered Characters!
We’ve taken a moment to highlight 40 great examples of movies about supernaturally powered people. While doing that, we excluded fantasy movies like LOTR or HP, as they have their own universes where 'superpowers' are considered 'normal', which makes it another category. Enjoy!
40 Not-So-Famous Movies That Are In Fact Admirable!
If you feel like you’ve watched all the Hollywood hits and you’re not very into chick flicks, or if you just think that there must be great movies out there that are not so very famous, we’re here for you! These 40 movies won’t disappoint you at all; rather they will remind you that you will never run out of good movies to watch. Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.
25 Movies With Ambiguous Endings That Will Leave You Puzzled
Storytelling in cinema is composed of a beginning, a middle, and an end. Well, at least traditionally. Sometimes, the writer leaves the ending up to the viewer, and you just sit there staring at the screen with empty eyes, wondering what the hell just happened. If you’re one of those who actually like that feeling, we made a list of 25 movies with open endings. After all, what is art for if it doesn’t trigger you, make your brain work, and make you really wonder: WTF just happened? Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.
30 Memory Loss Movies To Alter Your Realities!
Imagine you lose your memory and don’t remember anything about your past. You try to find your identity. Your beloved ones are now strangers. You were maybe a bad person in your past, but now it's the opposite. The words 'real' and 'unreal' have lost their meaning. When thinking about all these, the inevitable question comes up, 'How significant is our memory in making us who we are?' Here are the mind-bending movies that uniquely study this topic..  Movies are ranked based on IMDb ratings and all the storylines are retrieved from IMDb’s website. Enjoy..
34 Romance Movies That Will Make You Want To Fall In Love
“There is no happy love” Aragon once said. Well, we think there might be, but not all of them have “happy” endings, probably. All the great love stories, in one way or another, have their fair share of tragedy. Still, a life without love does not seem very tempting, does it? Here are 34 movies to remind you of that...Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.
16 Movie Posters Inspired By World Famous Art Masterpieces
Poster designs combine different types of art, and sometimes carry inspirations from famous art works. Of course, movie posters are original art works on their own and they are a very important part of the movie. We gathered 16 beautiful movie posters that were inspired by famous art masterpieces in this post.
30 Melancholic Movies About Loneliness!
Hey there, lonely hearts! This time we collected 30 movies to remind you that the best company sometimes is just yourself. No matter how insistent and annoying society is, calling you over everyday and asking you to blend in, we know that you’re just fine. And sometimes, you’re even better off without them!Storylines are from IMDb, and the ranking is done according to IMDb ratings.