9 Fast and Furious Movies in Chronological Order
Just when you thought TV series and movie plots are vastly different, the Fast and Furious saga breaks that misconception with 9 successful movies in the franchise.The highly anticipated 10th installment is said to make its movie theater debut in 2022.Here’s a synopsis of the 9 Fast and Furious series to (literally) get you up to speed.Caution: Spoiler Alert.
Star Wars Movies in Order of the Plot
Science fiction fans hail the Star Wars movie franchise, but even the most sophisticated of sci-fi geeks will have a hard time remembering the right order to watch them according to the plot.As most know, the first Star Wars movie was (actually) the fourth and it gets trickier with the introduction of animation films and the characters' backstories.If you want to get with the crowd and celebrate May 4 (May the Fourth be with you!), then here’s a guide on how to watch George Lucas’ most successful movie series.
17 Brutally Disturbing Movies That Were Banned Around The World!
There can be many reasons for banning or censoring a movie. Sometimes, it can be because of the violent dose, sometimes political attitude, or some of the sexuality that it contains. Some movies have been exposed to censorship in various countries throughout the history of cinema. Here are movies that were banned for being too disturbing!WARNING: Many of the visuals in the content are disturbing and some of them are + 18.
18 Mind-Bending Philosophical Movies Will Make You Question The Whole World
If you're tired of classic movies and are looking for movies that will blow your mind, you're in the right place. We prepared a list of philosophical movies that would question the value of humanity and morality.But we should warn you first. Most of the movies in this list can really push your mind about what humanity is or isn't.
22 Iconic Asian Horror Movies To Make Your Blood Run Cold!
A good horror movie can be really hard to find. If you want to be scared, you're at right place. You haven't seen horror until you've seen these Asian horror movies. Here are the most terrifying Asian horror movies that will give you nightmares. Enjoy!
27 Awesome Movies Based On True Stories To Take Your Breath Away!
Sometimes truth really can be stranger than fiction. Movies based on true events or a real person's life are worth to see. Here are the best movies based on true stories and we are sure you'll love each of them! In the following list, from Schindler's List to The Aviator, you can reach the best movies of all time that immortalise real-life events, memories and individuals! Enjoy!
19 Horror Movies That Will Make You Wet Your Pants!
When it comes to deciding whether or not a horror movie is worthy of watching, you cannot decide. But we are here to pick best horror movies for you! Here are some horror movies make you sh*t your pants! Enjoy!
30 Best Tagalog/Filipino Movies You'll Adore
When talking about Filipino/Tagalog movies, many people think of brightly colored anime stripes à la Sailor Moon or blunt kung fu action. But the Far Eastern film market has much more to offer: dark thrillers, love stories of epic proportions, spectacular battles and stylish horror. Despite the often great quality, only a fraction of the films make it up to us, what can you speculate on (the cultural differences, the financial risk for the cinema operators or the art-house style used in many works?). For all fans of Filipino/Tagalog cinema (and those who may still be) we have put together a small list of highlights here.
35 Brain Scratcher Movies You'll Have To Focus Hard To Understand!
They say that the movies you watch sometimes gives away your intelligence and your taste. Well, what do you say we put that to test with these brainy titles?! The list includes summaries were quoted from IMDb and also order of movies was arranged according to IMDb list. Enjoy! 
30 Legendary Movies You Should Watch Before Your 30s!
In this list, we are presenting you with worldwide acknowledged movies you certainly need to watch before your 30's. Watching these movies will help you get a sense of cinema culture, as well as teach you about movie history.