The Latest And Craziest Fashion Trend: A Camel Toe Underwear!
We are facing one of the strange trends women have recently adopted. These underwear give the appearance of a camel toe, making a situation that normally looks extraordinary like normal. In the content we compiled from Elite Daily, we leave you alone with one of the most stunning crazes of recent times.
20 Popular Trends That Prove We Were Totally Unfair To Emo Culture
You all remember them: From the 2000s to 2010s, Emos were a vastly ridiculed community, although they were one of the most popular subcultures of the day. Members of the community probably felt marginalized and alienated, and we kept making fun of their looks, their music, and in short, their outlook on life. Today’s popular fashion trends, however, prove that they were totally on to something! Here are 20 trends that emos started but we’ve only just recently realized and adopted!
How Umberto Eco Summarizes The 14 Core Principles Of Fascism
The political developments around the world have made the concept of fascism relevant, once again. In history classes, we are told that the reason we study history is to learn lessons from our past so that we don't repeat our mistakes, but ironically enough, history is a sum of mistakes being repeatedEco grew up under Mussolini's fascist regime. There was also Nazi Germany and Franco's dictatorship in Spain. These regimes had something in common: they were all based on oppressive and authoritarian mentalities, and are radical and nationalist political movements. Umberto Eco, the Italian novelist, and critic, summarized 14 basic features of fascism in his article Ur-Fascism in 1995. Do you think that any of this is still valid for our day? How much has changed over the last 22 years?
The Capsule Wardrobe: Why Successful People Wear The Same Thing Every Day
It's time to let you in on a secret that style bloggers and fashion designers have known for years: ’Capsule wardrobe’ refers to the idea of wearing just 10-15 basic things all the time, which will help you cut clutter and save money! What is particularly intriguing is the fact that so-called capsule wardrobe movement continues to gain momentum while more and more successful and famous people are being drawn into it.Here are eight fascinating reasons why this is happening.
12 Celebs Who Upped Their Game With Nose Piercings
I did look it up and it turns out there are at least 10 different types of nose piercings. You have the septum, bridge, nostril, sept rill, austin bar, and many more. Here, we will see 12 celebrities that achieved a whole different look and aura with their nose piercings. Maybe we can also inspire you to get one!
The Evolution Of 19 Year Old Bella Hadid
We knew her as the younger sister of Gigi Hadid for a while. Nowadays, she's breaking out of her shell to follow her mother and sister's steps to become a supermodel. We wouldn't expect less from the daughters of Yolanda Hadid now, could we? Bella, the popular model of the fashion shows, had a little accident on the runway recently, but she stole our hearts when she kept smiling even after she fell. Let's see who this beautiful girl actually is.
26 Movie Characters Whose Unusual Hair Color We Love!
We have compiled this list of awesome and unforgettable characters with an unusual hair or wig color. We usually come across such characters in fantasy and sci-fi movies. It isn't easy to pull off such bright colors, but they do it like a boss. Spoiler alert: Yes, there is obviously more than one 'Joker.'
10 Useful Bits Of Style Advice To Hide Your Flaws
Is it possible to look thinner and taller just by choosing the right clothes? But how? Hiding your flaws has never been this easy. With the 'Optical Illusion Technique in Clothing' you can easily hide the parts you don't like in your body. This technique is quite simple: Hide the parts you don't like and emphasize the parts you feel are strong. Ready? Let's roll.