12 Great Goddesses of Greek Mythology and Their Symbols
Classical Greek Mythology tells stories about the creation of the universe in Ancient Greece and the lives of gods, goddesses and heroes. Olympus, which is considered to be the place where the gods and goddesses reside in Classical Greek Mythology, is a mountain in the Thessaly region that forms the highest peak of Greece with a height of 2919 meters. Let's look at the Latin names and symbols of the 12 great gods and goddesses who lived here.
10 Art Movements that Shaped Modern History: From Italian Renaissance and Baroque
From the Italian Renaissance to the Baroque period, these art movements have had a profound impact on the way we view and understand art today. In this post, we will delve into the origins and key characteristics of these art movements, as well as their impact on the art world and society at large. Join us as we discover the art movements that have defined modern visual history.
A Guide to Shakespeare's 10 Most Memorable Plays
'Ah, Romeo, Romeo! Why art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name! Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I'll no longer be a Capulet.' This is a famous quote from William Shakespeare, the English poet, playwright, and actor. In addition to Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare has many other works. In this article, we will get to know some theater plays that have been adapted from Shakespeare's valuable works. Are you ready? Let's begin!
20 Painters Who Changed The History of Art
Painting occupies a very important and central place in Western art. We have listed 20 painters who left their mark on Western painting, including those who struggled with great financial difficulties and mental problems in their time and whose works are now sold for millions of dollars. As in every list, there are omissions in this list; there may be dissatisfaction in the order, sorry... Here are the 20 great painters who 'left their mark on the history of art':
The Reason Behind Small Penises in Ancient Greek Sculptures
We have all seen sculptures from ancient Greece that depict important figures from history. These sculptures are known for their muscular and well-built bodies, but they also often depict small penises. Did you know that this was actually a sign of status? Let's explore the reason behind this.
How Was Netflix's 'The Sandman' Different From the Comics
Netflix's 'The Sandman,' an adaptation of the acclaimed comic book series created by Neil Gaiman, spent a full month at the top of the streaming service's lineup. It's since lost its spot, but the impression made by Gaiman's dreamworld was lasting. Many people are now turning to the comics, dismayed by the network's silence on the show's renewal, while old fans of the series dig out their timeworn copies.
This Artist Is Letting People Touch Her Lady Parts For A Strong Message!
Sexuality in art is a very personal thing. It can be expressed — and of course, interpreted — in a variety of ways. But, what happens when a woman puts her sexuality on full display, for the entire world to see and touch?A female artist hailing from Europe has done just that in an effort to teach individuals about the C-word. No, not that one.
25 Of The Greatest Artists Ever Lived Illustrated In Their Own Unique Styles
Graphic designer Andry Tuohy's work, highlighting the greatest modern artists, shows the unique styles of 52 key artists in their own portraits. A fun fact about Andry's work is that he chose one artist for the each letter of the alphabet. Here are 25 different portraits you will fall in love with.Don't forget to click on the artist names for more information!
20 Typography Images That Visualize Mental Disorders Brilliantly
Slovak graphic designer Igor Kupec suffered from generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks during his college years. He says that those were the worst times of his life, and later he was intrigued by the idea of visualizing mental disorders with typography, as it would enable him to take the issue from a graphic designer’s perspective. What’s interesting is that he says “I was able to visualize many of them, except the one I was struggling with.”Here are 20 mental disorders and their reflections on the art of typography by Igor Kupec.Descriptions of the illnesses and disorders were taken from Wikipedia.
What Did The Sleeping Cycle Of Greatest Artists And Scientists Look Like?
We all have some type of sleeping habit. Does that say something about us? We don't know the answer to that, but in this list, we have the sleeping habits of the most successful and well-known writers, poets, and a bunch of other successful people. We don't know if it's about their sleeping habits that make them that successful but it's worth giving a try. Some choose to sleep during the day and some at night. All of them have a common characteristic in that they sleep little.
23 Surreal Paintings Will Both Amaze And Confuse You At The Same Time!
Canadian artist Rob Gonsales have been interested in painting since his childhood. Most of his imagination is derived from his child and in time Gonsales have learned to reflect his imagination pieces over the canvas. These surrealistic paintings have influences of both Dali and Tanguy. Take a moment to dive into the magical world of Rob Gonsales!
The 22 Most Legendary Painters And The First Pieces Of Artwork They Ever Made!
There are some paintings that we all know whether young or old; from museums, the internet, frames in our homes, and even tattoos... such as the Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci or Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. But these famous painters' first works, their debut pieces, reflect the styles that they started out with. We compiled the first creations from the 23 most famous painters of art history.