15 Out-Of-This-World Carl Sagan Quotes About The Cosmos, Love, and Earth!
American astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, and science communicator Carl Sagan is one of the most unforgettable figures who popularized science to a vast number of people by making it more interesting than ever. He was known for being the author of the TV series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage produced in the 1980s, which was described by David Itzkoff of The New York Times as 'a watershed moment for science-themed television programming.' And here we are with 15 of his most memorable quotes to remind you that science is the savior you’ve been looking for!
Here Are 20 Math Movies For The Hidden Geniuses Out There!
There are so many movies that feature a scene or two with actual math content, sometimes they’re done to demonstrate how smart the main character is, and sometimes math is actually in the center of the story. Either way, it’s really fun to watch a good math movie since they show the limitlessness of human mind! Here are 20 of those amazing movies.
22 Popular Movies That Were Turned Into Books (For Some Reason)
Ages ago, when there were no DVDs (or even VCRs), fans could relive their favorite movies only by reading the books based on the screenplays. This was called “novelization” and we can’t blame anybody for that. That’s understandable. But it seems this trend won’t end anytime soon, considering that even V for Vendetta was made into a book. You might wonder if it’s a way to make even more money. Well, it’s your filthy mind. It’s definitely not that. Yeah. So here are 22 books based on popular movies, not for you to hate the original movie, hopefully…
15 Reasons Why Pisces Are The Most Difficult People To Figure Out!
You don’t have to believe in what astrology has to tell about certain characteristics of people, but I’m pretty sure you’re aware that Pisces probably have the most distinctive characteristics of all the 12 signs of Zodiac. If you’re not convinced, take a look at the Pisces nearest to you, and tell me these 15 things are not absolutely correct and you’re not having a hard time figuring Pisces out most of the time!
22 Epic Songs With Kickass Intros!
The intro is probably the most crucial part of a song for many of us to be able to actually “love” a song. And we know that it’s not an easy job to keep on listening to something once you hate the beginning. But we’re here to restore your faith in music. There are SO many great songs with outrageously epic intros, which means it wasn’t easy for us to pick 22 of them. But here they are, 22+3 bonus songs with amazing intros!
“TreeGirl” Takes Naked Pictures To Show That We Are Nature!
TreeGirl, aka Julianne Skai Arbor is a photographer from California and the author of TreeGirl: Intimate Encounters with Wild Nature. She has been working on ecotherapy, nature connection and environmental art since 1995. She travels around the world to learn from the trees firsthand and photographs herself in intimate connection with the forest. She says: “The aim of my photographs, in which I am sometimes almost camouflaged, is to create beautiful images to remind us that we are nature. My work is an invitation for people to reconnect with nature as a healing resource amidst the madness of our civilized world.”Arbor has also taught college-level interdisciplinary conservation education for over 10 years. She holds graduate degrees in Experiential Environmental Education and Arts and Consciousness Studies.Here are 9 of her amazing photographs!
The Scary Disorder That Makes You Eat Yourself: Dermatophagia
This illness, which is pretty common, is actually a psychological disorder. When you think about it, you know many people around you who eat their nail skins. Though it is common to see lots of people do it in public, it hasn't had much research done in the medical field. Let's take a closer look at what this disorder is.
What Is Music In Terms Of Science?
When we hear the word music, we think about its artistic or entertaining side. But in fact, music is a scientific field that is evaluated philosophically and mathematically.Though it is individual, it also has sociological roots. Every culture has its own music style. When we examine the living conditions, economical, political, psychological and sociological conditions of a society, we can have information about its music culture as well.
24 Crazy Facts About Quantum Physics That'll Blow You Away
Do you like surfing deep inside your mind?How about learning new things and getting lost in the infinite world of knowledge?We've done our research and found a lot of things about quantum physics and how it can change our world. Read the article and start wondering the possibilities of the future and what it has in store for us!
6 Masterpieces Of Dali And Their Meanings
You have probably encountered much strange news about the insane Dali. However, I have yet to come up with an analysis of what his works are telling us, and I have prepared a Onedio content that deals with this issue and which I think might be useful to people who are curious about itWhen I know the find stories about works of art, I think that it's easier and more accurate to communicate with them.Let's see what his works have been telling us all along.
15 Qualities You Should Never Forget About People Who Never Forget
There are many pros to having a good memory, but don't forget there are also many cons too. After all, one of the best things the human mind can do is to forget so that we can move on. We've collected 15 qualities people who never forget have: Some are great, some are not that much, but all of them are like the curse of an exceptional mind!
17 Memorable Quotes From Casablanca, The Best Love Story Of All Time!
American film critic Andrew Sarris calls Casablanca “the happiest of happy accidents, and the most decisive exception to the auteur theory” of filmmaking. It’s hard to argue him, considering the unique atmosphere which made Casablanca an all-time classic romance movie. There are many reasons that make this movie just perfect; but striking, lyrical and memorable quotes are definitely one of them. Here are 17 of those beautiful lines from Casablanca!