22 Epic Songs With Kickass Intros!
The intro is probably the most crucial part of a song for many of us to be able to actually “love” a song. And we know that it’s not an easy job to keep on listening to something once you hate the beginning. But we’re here to restore your faith in music. There are SO many great songs with outrageously epic intros, which means it wasn’t easy for us to pick 22 of them. But here they are, 22+3 bonus songs with amazing intros!
What Is Music In Terms Of Science?
When we hear the word music, we think about its artistic or entertaining side. But in fact, music is a scientific field that is evaluated philosophically and mathematically.Though it is individual, it also has sociological roots. Every culture has its own music style. When we examine the living conditions, economical, political, psychological and sociological conditions of a society, we can have information about its music culture as well.
12 Songs To Listen To When You're Very Mad!
You're mad. Whether it's at your boyfriend, a parent, or even the world, sometimes the best remedy is blasting your music and getting the rage out. Here's where we come in. We gathered some of the BEST songs to play when you need to release your angst. We hope you feel better when you're done with this list!
17 Quotes From Michael Jackson, The Lonely King Of Pop
He is one of the true legends of the previous century. He changed the course of music history, and he will never be forgotten, nor will his songs. Michael Jackson spent his last days in loneliness and paranoia; so much had been said about him even before he was able to speak up for himself. We’ve collected 17 of his inspirational quotes that will remind us who he was and what he was thinking and feeling about life and music. So here is Michael Jackson, people, in his very own words...
The Real Voices Of Black Rights: 11 Legendary Black Female Singers!
From South Africa to the United States, the black rights issue is again on top of the global political agenda. Although the civil rights movement has a long history by now, it’s heartbreaking to see so many issues still remaining unsolved in 2016. In this post, however, we won’t be looking at the milestones or influential political leaders of the black rights movement. Instead, you’ll find 11 of the greatest female black singers from various musical genres who are also remembered with their political activism or with their songs touching on issues like freedom, social justice, black history, and on top of all: being a black woman.The list is in chronological order.
15 Things To Remember About Prince!
The music world's superstar Prince passed away just a short bit ago at his home in Minnesota. Having sold more than 100 million copies worldwide, Prince influenced thousands of musicians throughout his career. He was only 57...