Everything You Need to Know About Martin Scorsese's 'Killers of The Flower Moon
Killers of The Flower Moon, whose production started on April 29, 2021 and is expected to be released in May, is among the highly anticipated films. With a budget of 200 million dollars and Martin Scorsese in the director's chair, we have compiled for you what you need to know about Killers of The Flower Moon, which is already among the most qualified works.
Explained: What Do the Characters in Inception Symbolize?
In Nolan's 2010 film Inception, there is not only an architect, a chemist and a counterfeiter. There is a movie crew. As always, the director showed us his unique script writing methods in this movie. Let's take a look at what the characters of the movie represent!
20 Charming Villains Who We Actually Liked Better Than The Hero
TV series and movies often feature characters that are devious and manipulative, yet they remain beloved by viewers. Despite their nefarious actions, these characters possess a certain charm and charisma that draws us in. In this post, we've compiled a list of some of the most popular and iconic sneaky and evil characters in entertainment!
The Biggest Unsolved Museum Robbery: A Cash Prize for Whoever Finds the Artworks
In 1990, one of the most notorious art heists occurred when two thieves broke into the Gardner Museum and stole 13 priceless works of art worth an estimated total of $500 million under the cover of darkness. To this day, the fate of the stolen works remains a mystery. In this article, we will delve into the details of the Gardner Museum heist, which is considered the largest and most expensive robbery in the history of art. Keep reading to uncover the story of this captivating unsolved crime.
Top High-Rated Movies That Will Keep You on the Edge of Your Seat
If you're struggling with the question 'what movie should I watch today?' then you're in luck! We've got you covered with a carefully curated list of top-rated films across all genres. Whether you're in the mood for a romantic drama, a spine-tingling horror, an action-packed thriller, or a hilarious comedy, we've got something for everyone. So, sit back, relax, and let us guide you to your next cinematic adventure with our selection of must-watch movies.
Behind the Scenes of Art History: Surprising Facts About Famous Works of Art
Are you curious about the stories behind some of the world's most famous works of art? From Michelangelo to Pablo Picasso, there have been countless artists who have left their mark on the art world. But did you know that some of these works have fascinating tales and secrets behind them? In this article, we'll take you on a journey to discover the interesting facts and untold stories behind these impressive works of art that have captured the hearts of art lovers everywhere.
10 Surprising Facts About Our Bodies and Abilities You Probably Didn't Know
We know that our organs, our limbs, in short, everything in our body, whether we know the name or not, has a different and important role. But like everything else in the world, our bodies have an incredibly complex system. Perhaps even the most complex! Here are 10 things you will be surprised to hear about the human body...
The Bottom of the Barrel: The Worst Movies Ever Rated on CinemaScore
CinemaScore is a platform that collects data from people who have seen a movie on its first screening in a theater. When people leave the screening, they are asked to give the movie an A, B, C, D or F grade. If they loved it, they give it an A; if they hated it, they give it an F. In CinemaScore's 45-year history, only 21 movies have received an F so far, and not all of them are considered terrible movies. Let's take a look at the movies that failed with these F grades
Beyond the Brush: 11 Terrifying Paintings with Sinister Legends
Painted by Italian painter Bruni Amadio in the eighties, 'The Crying Boy' suddenly became famous worldwide. Especially after the events in Europe, the painting became known as 'cursed'. So much so that in the houses where this painting was found, fires would break out, and even though everything would burn down, this painting would remain intact. In fact, in 1985, the British newspaper The Sun started a campaign with its readers to get rid of this painting. Hundreds of readers gathered in front of the newspaper building and set fire to the 'cursed' painting.
Discover Rupert Grint's Impressive Acting Career Outside of Harry Potter
In the Harry Potter series, Rupert Grint was engraved in all our memories as Ron Weasley with red hair wearing a second-hand robe. We knew him best as Harry's close friend, the lion king. After the series ended, like other HP actors, he appeared in many movies and TV series and transcended the character of Ron. In this content, We have listed the series and movies in which Rupert Grint starred.
15 Must-See Works of Art That Will Redefine Your Perspective on Art
Welcome to our blog about 15 must-see works of art that have the power to redefine your perspective on art. These pieces are not only aesthetically pleasing but also carry immense historical, cultural, and social significance. From classic to contemporary, these works of art are considered some of the most valuable and admired in the world.So, let's dive in and discover the masterpieces that will inspire and enrich your artistic vision.
Discovering Victor Hugo's Artistic Legacy: The Secret Paintings
When we think of Victor Hugo, his world-famous novels come to mind first: Les Miserables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. But did you know that Victor Hugo was also a very talented painter? These works of art, which are far from the realism we see in the novels he wrote, are works far ahead of their time. We will examine this talent of the world-famous writer Victor Hugo, which was hidden until his death, his surrealist paintings and why it was kept a secret until his death.
Decoding 'The Scream': What Does The World's Most Expensive Painting Want to Tell Us?
That spine-chilling painting everyone knows... The Scream! After learning the story behind the painting from 1893, created by Norwegian painter Edvard Munch, your perspective on the work may change. Like many other painters, Munch's life was also full of ups and downs, and challenges. Beautiful works do not come to existence without difficulties. You will be surprised when you hear that Van Gogh indirectly contributed to The Scream. Here are the details behind the world-famous painting, The Scream...
Masterpieces That Redefined Art: 12 Works That Altered History
Art is something that goes beyond aesthetics and technique and can influence and even change the world. The artists we have compiled challenged the status quo and created something innovative and completely different. Here are those artists and their artworks that changed the world!
The 10 Most Expensive Paintings in the World
Are you curious about the world of high-end art collecting and the most expensive paintings ever sold? We've got you covered! In this article, we've compiled a list of the most expensive paintings in the world and delved into what makes these works so special and valuable. From their historical significance to their artistic merit and rarity, there are many factors that contribute to their astronomical prices. So, if you're interested in learning more about the fascinating world of art collecting, read on for all the details.
Discover 17 Little-Known Facts You've Never Heard of Before
You can read our content for the most different information that you will hear from us for the first time and that will make you question life. We have compiled 17 information that you will be surprised to hear. Don't forget to read the full content for information that we think will expand your knowledge!
Pietà: Michelangelo's Heartbreaking Tribute to a Mother's Loss
Join us on a journey to Italy in 1499 as we explore the magnificent work of Michelangelo, one of the most significant painters and sculptors in the history of art. We will study the masterpiece called Pietà, created when the artist was just 24 years old, from a massive block of marble. Together, let's examine the intricate details of this stunning sculpture, which captures the profound grief of a mother losing her son.
13 Little-Known Movies That Time Travel Movie Lovers Will Love
Time travel is something that almost all of us are interested in and perhaps even dream of, but as the great geniuses of our time, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, have said, it is only possible in theory. Fortunately, we have movies and they come to our rescue! In this content, we have compiled the time travel movies you may not know much about and ranked them according to their IMDb scores.