A Nightmare You Can't Be Rid Of Easily: Porn Addiction!!!
Don't let the title mislead you! Alongside men, many women suffer from porn addiction.
If you consider watching porn or being interested in sexual desires to be perverse, you have to stop doing that.
This article will help you question yourself about this post-modern addiction.
Disclaimer: This content does not discriminate on gender or sexual orientations.
1. The World Association for Sexual Health states that this type of addiction has reached a terrifying level.

'Porn addiction has become one of the most common topics in sexual therapies.'
One of the main causes of this addiction is the widespread use of the internet.
2. It is believed that this disease is caused by the intent to fill the gaps that leave us feeling useless.

People tend to fall into the misconception of feeling empty while they wait for the responses on apps such as WhatsApp, Messenger or Skype. While people wait anxiously for responses, they have a tendency to fill that specific time by watching porn.
Although, this act might seem harmless, it requires attention. If this addiction is not treated, it might lead to more serious outcomes.
3. In time, people might lose feelings of intimacy and love due to this addiction.

As a result, this causes an anxiety during the actual real life relationship. This is defined as porn addiction in psychology.
Women tend to believe that pornographic content is produced for male audiences.
4. This addiction might cause serious problems in relationships.

The results of the research indicate that if a woman's partner has an addiction to porn, women tend to compare themselves to the actresses in the movies and this decreases their self-esteem in bed. This creates anxiety between the couple.
Unfortunately, this can cause male partners to look for the solution in other people as they are disturbed by this anxiety.
5. Watching severe amounts of porn creates new neural networks around the brain.

Consuming extreme amount of porn rewires the neural networks around the brain. This means that one can lose the sensitivity to previous stimulation, as it gets used to consuming this information regularly.
This might eventually cause the couple to lose their sexual interest towards each other. The subject might fall into the misconception of comparing porn productions with real life. Some people might even find their partner unattractive and become distant.
These expectations eventually cause psychological problems like lack of sexual interest, depression, and anxiety disorder.
6. A significant change in sexual habits and the ability to diagnose yourself.

Health organizations claim that pornographic content used to be consumed only for fantasies.
However, the current statement indicates a difference consequence. 'Widespread internet consumption can cause porn addiction in many people and usually women suffer from behavioral disorders.
Addiction is described as: ' a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble).' If watching porn creates a control disorder or appears against your will, there is an addiction there.
7. Acceptance and personal treatment suggestions

Although the situation can be serious, there are ways to solve this problem. Before doing anything else, you have to accept this fact and not blame yourself. This situation can easily lead to self-hatred.
Next time you want to watch pornographic content, ask yourself what is really behind this urge. Boredom, hunger or loneliness can drag you into watching porn to fill up those holes in your time. This realization can help you understand whether you have an addiction or not.
In order to obtain successful treatment, you have to limit your access to all pornographic content. If you can't prevent yourself from watching, try taking a brief walk or chatting with a family member to distract yourself.
If these small distractions are not helpful in stopping you from watching or consuming pornographic content, you might need professional help. You might consult a therapist, for starters.
To sum up, early diagnosis and self-recognition can be very helpful during the treatment. When the actual reason behind the addiction is revealed, the individuals are transferred to psychotherapy, medical treatment, sexual therapy or couples therapy according to their needs.
Poll - Let's be honest and ask yourselves: "Do you ever think that you suffer from porn addiction?"
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