Elden Ring glitch lets players fly using a horse

Since the release of Elden Ring, the game has been plagued by endless swarms of glitches and bugs. And just recently, there’s been a glitch that lets players ride Torrent and fly everywhere they please, though this is currently limited to specific locations.
The glitch has been reported to be available in only two spots in the game. The first is inside the Bestial Sanctum, and the second one is on a ledge in Volcano Manor.
YouTuber EZScape Clips & VODs had explained that the glitch is a bit tricky to execute since the player needs to be in a specific location, must be riding uphill, and have a Flask of Crimson Tears on standby.
Here is the glitch shown in the video below:
Elden Ring Flying Horse Glitch - Speedrun Strat
No one really knows who found the glitch, but it was noticed as early as March 17. To activate the glitch, the player must immediately dismount Torrent, allowing the horse to fall to its death. After that, resummon it with the Flask of Crimson Tears, and you can fly wherever you want. Isn't it convenient?
Most competitive speedrunners in Elden Ring have been looking for ways to improve their speedrunning advantage. However, with the release of the 1.03 patch, some of their methods have become ineffective, and they are now struggling. Speedrunners may benefit from this glitch since it allows them to fly anywhere on the map.
The glitch is immensely speedrunner-worthy, that is why it won’t be long until FromSoftware takes notice and decides to release another patch.
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