God Forbid: Why We're Better off Without the Falwell Christian Empire
Reagan vs. Truman? You meant Jimmy Carter who, as one pundit put it, "...never met a tyrant he didn't love." Jimmy was an appeaser and, for being an ex- naval officer, was an extremely weak-kneed President. Be glad he was a one termer.
Televangelists are the phoniest people on the planet. Mega-church pastors are dropping like flies. No sooner does the esteemed Ravi Zacharias die than all his womanizing dirt hits the fan. Christopher Hitchens was right: RELIGION POISONS EVERYTHING.
But there is a better way. Read Thomas Paine's THE AGE OF REASON. He says:
“I believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious
duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make
our fellow-creatures happy.” and "All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind and monopolize power and profit."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxJG2I-uQf0 Vid starts out w/ Ukraine
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