Top Movies To Stream For Free On Vudu
If you have never heard of it, Vudu is one of those services that operate in the unique position halfway between streaming and digital film rental/purchase. While you can buy and rent most movies and many seasons of TV that you could think of (including brand new), it also offers hundreds of free streaming options with minimal ads. Here are some of the most popular options currently offered!

‘Battle Royale (Director’s Cut)’ (2001)
Directed by Kinji Fukasaku
This Hunger Games-style to-the-death matchup between school-aged children inspired numerous similar follow-ups, including the now widely known video game genre of “battle royale.”
‘Burning’ (2018)
Directed by Lee Chang-dong
This South Koren film was featured on several publications’ Best of 2018 lists. The plot follows a poor man, Jong-su, who falls in love with a woman dating a millionaire whose eccentricities arouse Jong-su’s suspicions.
‘But I’m A Cheerleader’ (2000)
Directed by Jamie Babbit
This teen comedy has more of a cult following than critical acclaim, but the satirical humor and story gave director Jamie Babbit and lead actress Natasha Lyonne a new level of recognition.
‘Carol’ (2015)
Directed by Todd Haynes
A 1950s New York romance blooms during the Christmas season between a married but divorcing rich woman and a young department store sales clerk.
‘Lion’ (2016)
Directed by Garth Davis
Lion adapts the memoir of Saroo Brierley, who grew up in Australia after his adoption and went as an adult to search for his biological family.
‘Melancholia’ (2011)
Directed by Lars von Trier
Two sisters try to go about normal life, with one of them getting married in the wake of an oncoming global catastrophe.
‘Night of the Living Dead’ (1968)
Directed by George A. Romero
The iconic zombie film holds up to this day as the most influential, and one of the most authentically gory, popular horror films of all time.
‘Sing Street’ (2016)
Directed by John Carney
The third film by music-oriented writer/director John Carney, Sing Street gives the viewer a glimpse of 1980s Dublin and the love of making music from the perspective of semi-rebellious teens.
‘Train to Busan’ (2016)
Directed by Yeon Sang-ho
Hailed by many as one of the best horror movies of the 2010s, Train to Busan sees the outbreak of the zombie apocalypse from one high-speed train.
‘Wind River’ (2017)
Directed by Taylor Sheridan
The writer of Sicario and Hell Or High Water official directs his first film, in which Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen investigate an Indigenous woman’s murder on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming.
Enjoy! Look for more movie suggestions every week!
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