Flight Attendant Warns Passengers: Here’s Why You Should Never Lean on Airplane Windows
Ever thought about leaning on that airplane window during your flight? According to flight attendant Tommy, you might want to think twice! In a viral TikTok video, he revealed why touching or leaning on airplane windows isn’t as hygienic as you’d hope. But just how dirty are airplanes? Let’s dive into the hidden germs lurking on your next flight! ✈️
Comfort during long flights is of great importance.

Therefore, the advice of flight attendants holds significant value. Recently, a flight attendant shared some tips, with the most notable one being: never lean on airplane windows.
"You are not the only one leaning on it. Many people touch it with their hands."

'You never know when or how often airplane windows are cleaned, so it's best to play it safe and avoid catching any germs.'
Flight attendant Tommy also advised passengers not to press the flush button or handle with their bare hands, as "it’s really not hygienic at all."

Instead, he recommended using a tissue or napkin when touching them.
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