Which Genius Is Your Mental Doppelgänger?
According to your answers, which genius is your intellectual twin?
Let's find the answer with our test 👇
1. Let's start with your favorite subject in school...

2. So... Can you tell us a little bit about your interests?
3. Would you kindly pick a notebook cover
4. What do you do when you're overwhelmed?

5. Anything you can't live without?
6. What caught your attention when you first looked at this picture?

7. We have one last question: If you were to come back to earth, which historical figure would you want to be?
Johann Sebastian Bach

We can say because of or your interest and inclination towards music you are just like Bach, whose intellectual depth is highly respected!
Bach was not only a great composer but also an accomplished organist: It is obvious that you are a highly talented individual! Even if you really aren't, you at least have enthusiasm. 😅 One of the world's greatest composers, Bach has been influential for centuries. You too have a gift for music so don't ignore your talent and enthusiasm!
Albert Einstein

We can say that you have mind similar of he greatest physicist of all time!
We're guessing that you've always excelled in numerical subjects and have even been referred to as the “Einstein of the class”. You have an Einstein-like arrogance, but this arrogance is not dangerous because it comes from knowledge. Still, don't get carried away and remember to study hard...
Nikola Tesla

You may as well be the twin of the famous inventor and electrical engineer Tesla!
Tesla, one of the underappreciated geniuses of his time, made revolutionary discoveries in the field of electromagnetism. We can say that you are just as underappreciated as he was... But don't let this discourage you just like it didn't discourage Tesla! Because times will turn and you will be missed just like Tesla!
Stefan Zweig

You're just like the famous writer Stefan Zweig!
You stand out with your intellectual personality, but you are a bit introverted. This makes you similar to our famous writer. Just like Zweig, who illuminated the dark issues of his time with his pen, you have an important mission: To always speak the truth. Your literary personality is just one of the details that make you similar to this genius.
Hedy Lamarr

You're the lost twin of actress and inventor Hedy Lamarr!
With such talent, Lamarr reflects your versatility. You never have to choose between two things you want: You can choose both. Lamarr, who was both a beautiful actress and an inventor, was the envy of the male inventors of her time. Hers is a name that can inspire you in this respect.
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