What Happens to Your Appearance When You Sleep Less Than 7 Hours?
Can just one night of poor sleep change the way you look? Absolutely! When we don't get enough sleep, our bodies send out warning signs, and the effects can be more obvious than we think. A recent study by sleep tech company Simba, with the help of artificial intelligence, reveals the startling changes in our physical appearance from sleep deprivation. 😱 Curious to know how just 7 hours (or less) of sleep can alter your look? Keep reading to see the surprising results! 👀
Regular sleep is very important for our health.

When our sleep is irregular, we can observe some changes in our bodies. Sleep technology company Simba worked with artificial intelligence to reveal the physical effects of sleep deprivation.
'When sleep patterns are disrupted, blood flow slows down, causing the skin to appear pale and lifeless,' the company says.

It also mentions that cortisol, the stress hormone, is increased, and it could even lead to conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
For women, this is what the body looks like when they get less than 7 hours of sleep.

The images show that one of the first signs of sleep deprivation in the body is visible.
Of those who report not getting enough sleep every night, 15% have brittle nails, while 24% say they have sensitive skin.

The survey revealed that 26% of people who don’t get enough sleep are overweight, and 32% experience bloating.
'Due to hormonal changes, women are more likely to see increased fat in their hips and thighs, while men may notice more belly fat due to decreased testosterone levels,' it added.

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