Mystical Sounds: The Best of Anatolian Rock
Mystical Sounds: The Best of Anatolian Rock
Anatolian Rock, an impressive fusion of traditional Turkish folk music and Western rock, has a rich tapestry woven with the threads of the East and the West. It represents a groundbreaking era of musical innovation, emerging in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and remains an impactful component of Turkey's cultural heritage. This genre has generated some of the most extraordinary artists, who have challenged conventional norms and pushed the boundaries of music. Let's take a journey through the mesmerizing soundscape of Anatolian Rock, exploring its top contributors and their timeless works.
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Erkin Koray "Cemalim"
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Barış Manço "Kara Sevda"
Cem Karaca "Resimdeki Gözyaşları"
Selda Bağcan "İnce İnce Bir Kar Yağar"
Erol Büyükburç "Allah'ım Beni de Gör"
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Edip Akbayram ve Dostlar "Mehmet Emmi"
Tülay German "Burçak Tarlası"
Mazhar ve Fuat "Adımız Miskindir Bizim"
Fikret Kızılok "Leylim Leylim"
Kardaşlar "Deniz Üstü Köpürür"
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Moğollar "7/8 9/8"
Üç Hürel "Bir Sevmek Bin Defa Ölmek Demekmiş"
Aziz Azmet "Hiç İstemem"
Esin Afşar "Niye Çattın Kaşlarını"
Mavi Işıklar "İyi Düşün Taşın"
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Erkut Taçkın "Sevmek İstiyorum"
Mustafa Özkent "Dolana"
Özdemir Erdoğan "Gurbet"
Zafer Dilek "Yekte"
Grup Bunalım "Taş Var Köpek Yok"
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Kent Yedilisi "Kara Kaşlı Haticem"
Barış Akarsu "Islak Islak"
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