Sul Sul! Simlish Word Detective: Can You Figure Out the Meanings?
Sul Sul! Simlish Word Detective: Can You Figure Out the Meanings?
How well do you know Simlish, the fictional language of The Sims, where we leave our own lives and offer our virtual characters the life of our dreams?
Let's see!
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1. Let's start with something easy, what does "sul sul" mean?

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2. What if we said "no me vel"?

3. What does a Sim who says "Ah, gwanda blitz" mean to you?

4. How about "Freebee lay"?

5. What animal would "Woofum" be?

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6. What does the word "shooflee" mean?

7. What about "Por See Gab Lurv"?

8. What could "Humple borpnah" be?

9. What do you think "Ongie" means?

10. Lastly, what does "Dag dag" mean?

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