How Many Cells Do We Have in Our Bodies? Women vs Men
How Many Cells Do We Have in Our Bodies? Women vs Men
The human body boasts an astonishingly intricate structure, and the number of cells that constitute this complexity is equally remarkable. Ranging from brain cells to blood cells, skin cells to stem cells, each cell type is intricately tuned for specific functions that sustain and enable our lives. The question then arises: What is the exact count of these cells? Delve into the intricacies of cellular composition and discover how the number of cells differs between men and women, unraveling the fascinating intricacies that define our bodily existence.
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According to a recent analysis of over 1500 scientific articles, an average adult male is found to have 36 trillion cells, while an average adult female has 28 trillion cells.
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Despite variations in quantity, the sizes of cells remain consistent between men and women.
To arrive at these conclusions, the team conducted a comprehensive review of previously published data.
The relationship between cell size and number, as formally examined across the entire human body here, had not been previously explored in scientific research.
The underlying developmental mechanisms behind this phenomenon are still unknown, and many questions remain unanswered.
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"In our bodies, the total mass of very small cells is equivalent to the total mass of very large cells, and all the cell sizes in between."
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