Asmongold warns devs about Lost Ark being pay-to-win
Twitch streamer Asmongold has been expressing his disgust and anger due to a specific raid in the game being “pay-to-win”. This is not new since the famous streamer has harshly criticized the mechanics of past games he has played such as Dark Souls and World of Warcraft.
On March 15, Asmongold posted a video on YouTube expressing his dissatisfaction with the game's mechanics and practically begging the developers to address the issue as soon as possible in order to lessen the game's deteriorating reputation.
A Message to the Lost Ark Devs
He addressed this statement in the video he had posted:
'I hope that Amazon can get this message before the game attracts an even worse reputation. I think that every day this is an issue. It will be bleeding players, bleeding respect, bleeding integrity, and the faster they stem that bleeding and start healing that wound, we can have a better game.'
Asmongold had a large impact on the Lost Ark community, spreading his influence from other popular MMOs to Lost Ark. This is mainly the reason why the devs had quickly responded to his concerns about the game.
A blog post has been published following Asmongold’s recent concern stating:
'We made a mistake releasing the March game update too quickly after launch. Data we analyzed alongside Smilegate RPG from their previous launches projected that a larger portion of players would have reached the level required to challenge Argos. However, we overlooked certain variables, such as players spending more time on horizontal content and the price of honing materials increasing due to bots and real-money transactions.'
In addition to this, Smilegate and Amazon Games have announced that there will be an update which will fix a ton of the current issues at hand. Soon, Asmongold has quickly responded to their statement saying a simple word: “Good”, implying that he is hoping that the issue will be fixed.
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