21 Interesting Facts About Porn You Probably Didn't Know!
21 Interesting Facts About Porn You Probably Didn't Know!
Though we don't easily admit this fact, 99.9% of us watch porn. For that reason, the porn movie industry is gigantic. This list will help you understand the underlying structure of the porn industry:
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1. The sex industry is the most profitable industry of the world. This includes sex workers, strip clubs, phone sex and pornography.

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2. 13,000 porn movies are produced each year. These movies bring around 13 Billion dollars of profit.

In contrast, 507 movies are produced in Hollywood each year and the profit range is only 8.8 Billion Dollars.
3. The overall earnings from porn is more than the earnings of sports and TV shows combined.

4. 30 million people are watching porn right at this moment.

5. The most popular Google search key word is "teen porn."

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6. In North Korea, watching porn is punishable up to the death sentence.

7. 50% of all of the internet is composed of is either porn or porn related content.

8. According to research done in Montreal College, most boys start watching porn at the age of 10.

9. The number of daily pornography related searches in the USA is 68 million. This consists of 25% of all Google searches.

10. Male actors earn less money than female actresses. However, the situation is different for male actors who took part in gay porn. These actors earn three times more than the other actors.

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11. The majority of porn movie productions are made in the USA, followed by Germany.

12. To be more exact, a porn movie is created every 39 minutes in the States.

13. 20% of working men have admitted checking pornographic content in the work place.

14. However, it is believed that the percentage is higher in reality. It is known that pornography access reaches its peak during work hours.

15. The majority (88.2%) of the highest ranking porn movies includes violence applied by the male actor.

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16. Although it is hard to believe, men focus on women's faces when they watch porn.

17. In England, the daily traffic on porn sites is more than social media, shopping and gaming web sites combined.

18. According to research, most teenagers learn about sex from watching porn.

19. Research shows that the majority of women watch porn, too. However, the number is not as high as the male audience.

20. It is believed that 10% of adults have an addiction to watching porn.

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21. On a recent study done at Montreal College, it was found that all men watch porn.

Research aimed to group subjects as porn-watchers and non-watchers, but they couldn't find any non-watchers for the research. For this reason, this study had to be cancelled.
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