15 Famous People Who Died Without Having Sex During Their Lifetime
Are you afraid you'll die as a virgin? Well, fear not! This list of famous people who probably died as virgins. Some of these famous figures chose to remain virgins because of religious devotions, while others were born with severe ailments that prevented them from having sex. Still, others just thought sex would distract them from their careers.
1. Andy Warhol
2. Queen Elizabeth I (England)
3. Immanuel Kant
4. Joseph Merrick
5. Giacomo Leopardi
6. Henry James
7. Herbert Spencer
8. John Edgar Hoover
9. Joseph Cornell
10. Hans Christian Andersen
11. Henry Cavendish
12. Nikola Tesla
Some people speculate that Tesla was asexual, meaning that he simply didn’t have the urge towards sex, but that may not be the case. Take a look at the following quote:
I put [women] on a lofty pedestal… I worshiped at the feet of the creature I had raised to this height, and, like every true worshiper, and I felt myself unworthy of the object of my worship.
13. Lewis Carroll
Alice in Wonderland author, Lewis Carroll, never married and he is not known to have had any relationships with women. Some people speculate that Carroll may have been a pedophile, as he had a collection of nude photographs of young girls.
14. Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton never married in his lifetime. He was a solitary individual, and many historians believe that he died a virgin.
15. Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa dedicated her life to being a Catholic nun. A devoted follower of Catholicism, Mother Teresa was known to have died a virgin.
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