10 Surprising Facts About Our Bodies and Abilities You Probably Didn't Know

10 Surprising Facts About Our Bodies and Abilities You Probably Didn't Know

İrem Uğur
March 04 2023 - 04:55pm

We know that our organs, our limbs, in short, everything in our body, whether we know the name or not, has a different and important role. But like everything else in the world, our bodies have an incredibly complex system. Perhaps even the most complex! Here are 10 things you will be surprised to hear about the human body...

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Scientists have been researching for centuries to learn about the human body.

Scientists have been researching for centuries to learn about the human body.

And we still don't know everything. They probably haven't completely understood the human body either. But there are still some amazing things that might surprise us and that not everyone knows!

1. To find out if we are dehydrated, it's enough to just pinch ourselves.

1. To find out if we are dehydrated, it's enough to just pinch ourselves.

Inadequate fluid consumption can lead to dehydration, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even damage to your organs. But it's actually very easy to tell if we are dehydrated! Try pinching the skin on your fingers. If the skin immediately returns to the way it was seconds ago, everything is fine. If it takes a while for the skin to return, your body is signaling you that you are dehydrated.

3. When it comes to long-distance running, we are the best.

3. When it comes to long-distance running, we are the best.

We know that animals are much better than us at certain things. But there are actually two things that we are better at than any other creature in the world. One is, of course, using our brains. The other is that because we don't have hair and our sweat glands have an excellent cooling system, we are capable of beating any other creature in long-distance running!

4. Our bones are much stronger than we think!

4. Our bones are much stronger than we think!

You might be surprised to see videos of people who can lift a car with their own weight. Actually, you don't need to be surprised because the bones in our bodies are five times stronger than steel. And compared to a metal of the same size, our bone is at least 3 to 5 times heavier. So, in fact, just 16 centimeters of bone in our body is capable of carrying five pickup trucks!

5. Most of our body is just water.

5. Most of our body is just water.

With organs, veins and hundreds of complex systems affecting each other, we may forget that a large part of our body is made up of water. But according to research, 55 percent of an adult woman's body and 60 percent of an adult man's body is made up of water. This percentage is even higher in infants, children and people with more adipose tissue.

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6. The strongest muscle in our body is not our biggest muscle, it's our chin!

6. The strongest muscle in our body is not our biggest muscle, it's our chin!

The largest muscle in our body is known to be the gluteus maximus in our gluteal region, and most people believe that it is the strongest muscle. However, our jaw muscles, which are positioned like a nutcracker, make the bite force of men 39 kg and women 22 kg, and the award for the strongest muscle in our body goes to the jaw!

7. We can travel through time thanks to smells.

7. We can travel through time thanks to smells.

When you smell your ex's perfume, you might think that the reason you feel bad inside is because you miss him or her. That's an option, but it doesn't have to be that way... The smells that come into our noses are first processed by a part of our brain that is connected to the part of our brain responsible for emotions and memories and is located somewhere inside our nose. So when you smell something from the past, you are triggered, you are not suffering from pure love pain.

8. We can even see a tiny thing miles away.

8. We can even see a tiny thing miles away.

We are quick to complain that we can't see the small print on our TV, which is only a few meters away from us. However, when the results of an experiment are taken into account, it turns out that we are not pushing the limits because we can't take the challenge. Because scientists say that we can easily see something as small as candlelight up to 2.6 km away.

9. Our strongest finger is the pinkie!

9. Our strongest finger is the pinkie!

Your pinky finger may seem like the most sensitive, most delicate finger. It's actually the main limb that powers all of our other fingers and therefore our hand. Laurie Rogers, a hand therapist at the Washington National Rehabilitation Hospital, says that in a scenario where we lose our pinky, we would directly lose 50% of the strength of our entire hand.

10. Every ten years we get a brand new skeleton.

10. Every ten years we get a brand new skeleton.

The cells of our skeletal system are constantly being renewed, every moment. So much so that, on average, every ten years, all the bones you currently have are completely replaced. Of course, this renewal process starts to slow down as you get older, but that doesn't change the fact that you have a new skeletal system one way or another!

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