10 Cool Pokemon With Horrible Evolution: A Step Backwards
Supposedly, evolution will make these Pokemon even better than they were before. When some were reported to be better, others were reported to be slightly worse or even worse.
Pokemon was with us from childhood until we evolved into the people we are today, and its franchises never stopped surprising us and giving us brand-new tastes to keep us hooked despite its long-running timeline. Pokemon fans of both generations were smitten as the franchise expanded into anime and other forms of entertainment, making it more popular than ever.
Following the timeline of its avid viewers, the series opts to change and update to keep the fuel going, just like us. The Pokemon series is also growing along with its nearly 1000 uniquely designed creatures that have been with us throughout all the adventures we have had since day one. But with all these developments happening, not all fans are impressed with the new characters given to our Pokemon friends. Their evolution, which was supposed to make them even cooler, turns out to be less interesting and even more disappointing.

Meowth’s Personality was Diminished with the Generic Persian
Fans can’t help but feel sad upon witnessing the evolution of our beloved villain, Meowth, for this spunky Pokemon became just a plain, huge jungle Persian, nothing more. As we all know, Team Rocket’s speaking Meowth was loved by many for being highly cautious, an excellent negotiator, and always being a part of a failed team mission, but he shared a great bond with Jessie and James. But after its most anticipated evolution, Meowth turned out to lose its awesomeness as his personality was dissolved into the form of the big jungle cat. What a shame that it evolves from a cat of awesomeness into a boring and uninteresting Pokemon.

Tyrogue’s Evolved Form Merged it’s Fighting Spirit
Fans can’t help but feel sad upon witnessing the evolution of our beloved villain, Meowth, for this spunky Pokemon became just a plain, huge jungle Persian, nothing more. As we all know, Team Rocket’s speaking Meowth was loved by many for being highly cautious, an excellent negotiator, and always being a part of a failed team mission, but he shared a great bond with Jessie and James. But after its most anticipated evolution, Meowth turned out to lose its awesomeness as his personality was dissolved into the form of the big jungle cat. What a shame that it evolves from a cat of awesomeness into a boring and uninteresting Pokemon. It's like splitting an all-in-one Pokemon into several lackluster pieces.

Vigoroth Turned From Mighty into a Lazy Pokemon
Most Pokemon have the opportunity to experience obvious upgrades during their evolution, but in some cases, these Pokemon are motivated by self-serving behaviors in exchange for their new forms. Primarily, Vigoroth is a domineer of the Hoenn region, but its evolution turned out to be a slumber-sucking Pokemon called Slaking, which prioritizes naps over combat. Although Slaking is still a capable warrior, it is still a disappointment that his mightiness should wait until it is needed.

Magmar Evolution to Magmortar is Redundancy
Magmar has been continuously gaining upgrades from the first Pokemon game until the present, but the case for its evolution into its final form, Magmortar, is just another taste of disappointment. Magby, in its pre-evolution, is a handy form, but, when it comes to Magmortar, the design just didn’t add up too well. We can credit Magmortar's cannon as a convenient tool, but it just makes an ill-fitting form of Magmar. This case guarantees that less is always more.

As rock-type Pokemon blend in with their surroundings, it's nice to see Nosepass from the Hoenn region, which is inspired by the Eastern Island and comes with the unique design of a head statue.But fans cannot stop their dismay upon seeing the evolution of Probopass, which looks like a wearable disguise of Nosepass, and complaining that it would have been a better upgrade if its evolution happened to be in the opposite order.

Crobat Evolution Should Go Bigger that Golbat
Fans can't contain their excitement when a new entry in the Pokemon franchise returns to an old pokemon to try some upgrades, but the excitement was then squandered by a fiasco.
Zubat and Golbat are two native Pokemon of the Kanto region, and with Crobat trying to bring back the relevance of these pokemon, it does not really turn out as well as planned. The design, instead of moving forward, seems to be a little bit off as Crobat’s small and purple physique makes a downward comparison to its pre-evolution, Golbat, which is more threatening with its huge, gaping mouth.

Geodude’s Perfect Start Rolled Downhill
The iconic designs of Pokemon can be found in the earliest version of the game, which makes the current release simpler and more basic. Graveler and Golem, Brock's most trusted allies, are among the members of this iconic line-up. However, its comprehensive evolution had taken down Geodude’s personality. With all the interest, fans are expecting to see a better version of evolution for this classic Pokemon. Imagine a four-armed boulder being turned into a turtle that's slower because it's made of rock and has its two extra arms magically erased.

Dusknoir Erased Dusclops’ Glamour
Ghosts are one of the most perplexing yet fascinating Pokemon types. Duskull, Dusclops, and Dusknoir, presented in Generation III, are some of the ghost-type Pokemon that made an impression on the series. With Dusknoir’s spectacular final, which was contributed by its glamorous reaper cloth, comes a downgrade for Duslops, which, although it has gotten Dusknoir’s one-eyed monster appearance, looks like a mummy taken from a cartoon show.

Rhydon Turned Out to be Just a Complex Rhyperior
Rhyhorn and its evolution, Rhydon, became one of the representatives, based on an earlier point in the series where Pokemon were made to resemble actual animals.
Rhydon's evolution to Rhyhorn was unnoticed because its power and personality remained unchanged. Rhyperior, on the other hand, has seen fit to cloud Rhydon's ingenious form, forcing it to be the awkward middle upgrade, and is crowned with sorrow rather than glory.

Doublade Became a Simplification as Aegislash
Honedge, Doublade, and Aegislash are rare Steel and Ghost-type combined Pokemon that originated from Generation VI’s Kalos region. Its final form, Aegislash, was produced with the aid of a Dusk Stone, and with Doublades' prodigal look, which was accompanied by its two versatile swords, Aegislash appears a step back, which makes it look more like a shield of a symmetrical design. Although Aegislash came to possess more power, its design made it look dreary compared to Doublade's appearance.
Do you have any other corny evolutions in mind? Tell us in the comments below!
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