Why Do Cats Rub Their Heads Against Us? The Surprising Reasons Behind This Feline Behavior

Why Do Cats Rub Their Heads Against Us? The Surprising Reasons Behind This Feline Behavior

Berfin Ceren Meray
October 20 2024 - 12:00pm

If you’re a cat owner, you’ve likely experienced your furry friend rubbing its head against you. While it may seem like a sign of affection, there’s more to this adorable behavior than meets the eye. So, why do cats rub their heads on us? Discover the fascinating reasons behind this common feline gesture and what it truly means! You’ll be surprised by what’s really going on.

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Cats have different ways of communicating with humans.

Cats have different ways of communicating with humans.

So, why do cats headbutt or rub their heads on us? Yes, you've probably seen cats doing a 'pushing' motion with their heads. In fact, in cats, this behavior can be seen as a sign of affection. However, sometimes cats may do this simply to get attention.

One of the main reasons cats headbutt or rub their heads on you is that they want to bond with you.

One of the main reasons cats headbutt or rub their heads on you is that they want to bond with you.

Headbutting is also a form of social behavior in cats. Additionally, a cat may turn its head toward you to show that it feels a sense of belonging and enjoys being with you.

Moreover, cats have glands in their cheeks, forehead, and chin that contain "pheromones."

Moreover, cats have glands in their cheeks, forehead, and chin that contain "pheromones."

Pheromones are substances that animals produce to communicate through scent. When a cat headbutts you, it is essentially rubbing its pheromones on you. These pheromones are secreted from glands located just in front of their ears. Humans cannot detect these pheromones, but from the cat's perspective, you’ve been 'marked.' These pheromones signal to other cats that another cat has been there.

The way cats headbutt can vary from cat to cat.

The way cats headbutt can vary from cat to cat.

Some cats make direct, firm contact that may even jolt you, while in other cats, this touch may be more gentle. In either case, you’ve been marked with your cat's facial pheromones. Additionally, cats might rub their heads to get your attention.

If you see your cat pressing its head against a hard surface like a wall or table leg continuously, you should take it to the vet immediately.

If you see your cat pressing its head against a hard surface like a wall or table leg continuously, you should take it to the vet immediately.

Headbutting is usually a light tap followed by withdrawal. The moment to worry is when your cat presses its head against something and doesn’t let go. Veterinarian Lusvardi says, 'If there are also signs like seizures, vision problems, obsessive behaviors, or disorientation, you should see a vet right away.' If you notice head pressing along with these symptoms, don’t hesitate to contact your vet.

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