The Most Millennial Injury Trend Ever: 'Avocado Hand' Is Real And Affecting Loads Of People!
The Most Millennial Injury Trend Ever: 'Avocado Hand' Is Real And Affecting Loads Of People!
We can’t help but think that avocados came out of nowhere over the last couple of years. Maybe that’s because we weren’t looking, but avocado suddenly became one of the most popular foods across the globe. And recently, there’s something almost more popular than this fruit itself: yes, avocado hand is real and it’s taking over the Internet.
Hey there, millennials. Here’s a quick warning: Be careful with avocados.
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There's a new trend, and it comes down to the fact that people are using really sharp knives to peel them.
Yup, the knives are going straight through their hands/fingers. Don't believe us? Just look at this.
If you search for avocado injuries on Instagram, there's a f*ckload of them. This following picture is so gross that it has been blurred but we're sure you can use your imagination…
David Shewring, vice-president of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, said: "Recently the health benefits of avocado have been advocated, with an increase in their popularity - and a consequent increase in related injuries."
Believe it or not, it's a real issue. Simon Eccles, honorary secretary of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, reckons that he sees around four patients a week at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital for avocado hands.
Eccles said: "It needs to be recognisable. Perhaps we could have a cartoon picture of an avocado with a knife, and a big red cross going through it?"
So, be careful out there. Nothing is safe. Not even avocados.
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