Skin Undertone?! Join The Hype Train Of The Beauty World!
Skin Undertone?! Join The Hype Train Of The Beauty World!
Light, fair, medium, olive, brown or black. No, we are not talking about these anymore. There is a new thing: Finding your skin’s undertone. It’s a burning hot topic for beauty bloggers and it is confusing us. We dug it deeply and simplified it for you. After this list you'll be an expert and hey, you might even start your own blog!
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1. Why is it so damn important?
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2. The correct color choices compliment your skin tone!
3. What are the undertones?
4. Cool skin tone
5. Warm skin tone
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6. Neutral skin tone
7. What is your undertone?
8. Going pro...
9. What to do now?
10. Jewelry choice
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11. Hair color
12. Make-up
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