New Netflix Show "Shahmaran": A 'Legendary' Love Story featuring Serenay Sarıkaya and Burak Deniz
On January 20th, Netflix premiered their new domestic production 'Şahmaran'. The fantasy, supernatural series starring Serenay Sarıkaya, Burak Deniz, and Mert Ramazan Demir has already impressed audiences with its trailers. The series, which stands out with its filming, legendary subject, and talented cast, has sparked great curiosity among viewers. In this article, we will delve into the subject of the 'Şahmaran' series, introduce you to the main actors, and give you some background on the characters of Maran, Şahsu, and Camsap. Join us as we explore this exciting new show on Netflix!
What is Shahmaran, Who is she? What does Shahmaran Mean?

Sahmaran, whose origin goes back to the Hittites, has the same characteristics as Medusa, the woman whose head was beheaded by Perseus in Greek mythology, and is the subject of many old-style stories; It means the head of snakes. There are many narratives about the life of Şahmaran, who leads a life with her snakes in the underworld.
What is the subject of the Shahmaran Series?

What is said about the series is as follows;
Şahsu, who goes to Adana as a lecturer, decides to confront her grandfather, who left her mother many years ago. On this journey, she finds herself in the middle of an unusual and mysterious community of Shahmaran's descendants, whose names are Mar. The people of Mar, who unconditionally believe in the legend of Shahmaran, which is the representation of love and wisdom, wait for the completion of the historical prophecy with the arrival of Şahsu. Everything will change with the intersection of the paths of the person who wants to stand in front of her grandfather and ask for an account of the past and Maran.
What is the Mhyht Between Şahsu and Maran?

The legend of Şahmaran tells the tale of Mar 'Maran', a chosen one who is seen as the savior of the snake people. The legend states that Maran will fall in love with a descendant of Camsap, and in this love story, the human lineage will ultimately sacrifice their life, not the Şahmaran lineage. However, the story is not fully known, and the series is expected to reveal more about the unknowns.
The Cast of the Shahmaran Series: Let's Get to Know the Characters of Shahmaran

Serenay Sarıkaya - Şahsu
Burak Deniz - Maran
Mustafa Uğurlu - Davut Usta (Camsap)
Mert Ramazan Demir (Cihan)
Mehir Günşiray - Ural
Ebru Özkan - Çavgeş
Hakan Karahan - Lakmu
Elif Nur Kerkük - Medine
Mehmet Bilge Aslan - Salih
Berfu Halisdemir - Diba
Nilay Erdönmez - Hare
Nil Sude Albayrak - Bike
Ayşe Lebriz Berkem - Tutku
Ece Ertez - Lilit
Baran Soysal - Camsap
Almina Günaydın – Young Şahsu
Öznur Serçeler - Gül
When will Shahmaran be released?

Shahmaran, signed by TIMS & B Productions, directed by Umur Turagay and written by Pınar Bulut, was released on Netflix on January 20th.
What is a Mar?

As per the legend, the Mar people are a unique community, who possess both human and snake-like characteristics. They are said to have lived among humans for centuries and have been known by different names throughout history. Due to their unique appearance, they have faced discrimination and have been condemned to live in secrecy. However, their existence is still shrouded in mystery and intrigue, and is the subject of many legends and myths.
Why is the legend of Shahmaran so important and popular?

The Shahmaran legend is important for several reasons. Firstly, it is a traditional story that has been passed down through generations, and it is considered an important part of the cultural heritage of the region where it originates. It is also considered a representation of the cultural, social, and spiritual beliefs of the people. Additionally, it is a symbolic and metaphorical story that has many layers of meaning and can be interpreted in different ways. The legend also reflects the beliefs and values of the people, such as the importance of family, love, and sacrifice, as well as the theme of the coexistence of different beings. Finally, it is also an interesting and captivating story that has inspired many artists, writers, and filmmakers, and the new Netflix series Shahmaran is an example of that.
Do you think the legend of Shahmaran is real? Let’s meet in the comments!
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