Hieroglyphs Of Helicopters And Submarines? Another Egyptian Mystery Arises!

Hieroglyphs Of Helicopters And Submarines? Another Egyptian Mystery Arises!

Mr. Peppermint
May 29 2017 - 01:08pm

According to many people that have visited the Temple of Seti in Abydos and even archaeologists who have researched the temple, claim that these hieroglyphs actually depict modern day flying machines such as helicopters, airplanes, and even submarines.

Is this Pareidolia, or did ancient Egyptians just get lucky when they carved these hieroglyphs?

The 3,000-year-old hieroglyphs found in Seti I's temple in Abydos, Egypt, are said to depict nothing less than a helicopter, plane and futuristic aircraft among the usual insects, symbols and snakes.

The 3,000-year-old hieroglyphs found in Seti I's temple in Abydos, Egypt, are said to depict nothing less than a helicopter, plane and futuristic aircraft among the usual insects, symbols and snakes.

This ancient temple built by Seti I, and his son Ramses II, has been the center of attention for many researchers in the field of archaeology and ufology.

On one of the ceilings of the temple, strange hieroglyphs were found that sparked a debate between Egyptologists.

On one of the ceilings of the temple, strange hieroglyphs were found that sparked a debate between Egyptologists.

The carvings appear to depict modern vehicles resembling a helicopter, a submarine, and airplanes.

At first the images circulating were thought to be fakes, but were later filmed and verified as valid images.

At first the images circulating were thought to be fakes, but were later filmed and verified as valid images.

Yet, even if these images clearly appear to resemble twentieth century machines, Egyptologists have tried to offer a rational explanation.

Then conspiracy theories started...

Then conspiracy theories started...

One popular myth is that the 'advanced race' who bought details of futuristic technology to the Egyptians, were visitors from a far-flung highly advanced planet, to share their knowledge with the primitive communities on Earth.

The ancient aliens conspiracy theory claims these extraterrestrials were the ones behind the development of the pyramids, Stonehenge and other world famous monuments.

The ancient aliens conspiracy theory claims these extraterrestrials were the ones behind the development of the pyramids, Stonehenge and other world famous monuments.

Yet, even if these images clearly appear to resemble twentieth century machines, Egyptologists have tried to offer a rational explanation.

Yet, even if these images clearly appear to resemble twentieth century machines, Egyptologists have tried to offer a rational explanation.

It was common in Ancient Egypt for hieroglyphs to be re-carved and re-faced over the years. This process of writing on the same surface more than once is called palimpsest, and it was common practice when a new Pharaoh was establishing a dynasty to write over the hieroglyphs of his predecessors. It is well known that such a process took place at the temple of Seti I in Abydos by his son Ramses II.

Most researchers still believe that these hieroglyphs are still a mystery and that an acceptable scientific conclusion is needed.

Most researchers still believe that these hieroglyphs are still a mystery and that an acceptable scientific conclusion is needed.

Let’s face it, flying around in ancient Egypt would have been a pretty big deal worth depicting and worshiping, so we are sure that if ancient Egyptians had the ability to fly around, more proof of that would be available today. For now, we stick with the theory of eroded glyphs of a palimpsest.

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