Fascinating Details About 'Inside Out 2' You Might Have Missed

Fascinating Details About 'Inside Out 2' You Might Have Missed

Berfin Ceren Meray
July 20 2024 - 11:27pm

Pixar’s highly anticipated sequel, Inside Out 2, has taken the cinema world by storm, setting new records in both viewership and box office earnings. As audiences flock to theaters, there are intriguing details about the film’s plot and production that you might not have come across. Dive into these lesser-known aspects of Inside Out 2 that add depth to its already captivating story.

Note: This article contains spoilers for those who haven't seen the film yet.

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Next to Joy's bed, there is a clay statue of Bing Bong.

Next to Joy's bed, there is a clay statue of Bing Bong.

In the first draft of the script, the emotions included were Freedom, Love, Passion, and Power. However, the writers replaced these with Anxiety, Shame, Disgust, and Envy.

In the first draft of the script, the emotions included were Freedom, Love, Passion, and Power. However, the writers replaced these with Anxiety, Shame, Disgust, and Envy.

The film's first trailer garnered 157 million views online, surpassing the 2019 film Frozen 2, which had 116 million views.

The film's first trailer garnered 157 million views online, surpassing the 2019 film Frozen 2, which had 116 million views.

The binoculars used by Joy and Sadness are actually the character Lenny from the Toy Story films.

The binoculars used by Joy and Sadness are actually the character Lenny from the Toy Story films.

For Inside Out 2, Phyllis Smith, who voices Sadness, was retired. She stipulated that Pixar must find a recording studio in Missouri since she was not willing to travel to Los Angeles.

For Inside Out 2, Phyllis Smith, who voices Sadness, was retired. She stipulated that Pixar must find a recording studio in Missouri since she was not willing to travel to Los Angeles.
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On the shelf next to Anger's bed is a small "swear jar" filled with coins.

Mindy Kaling and Bill Hader, who voiced Disgust and Fear in the first film, refused to return for the second film due to disagreements over payment with the producers.

Mindy Kaling and Bill Hader, who voiced Disgust and Fear in the first film, refused to return for the second film due to disagreements over payment with the producers.

Inside Out 2 was released exactly 9 years after the first film, but the story takes place 12 years later.

Inside Out 2 was released exactly 9 years after the first film, but the story takes place 12 years later.

The original draft of the film had Riley participating in a high school talent show, but the writers changed the script to show her going to a hockey camp because she played hockey so often in the first film.

The original draft of the film had Riley participating in a high school talent show, but the writers changed the script to show her going to a hockey camp because she played hockey so often in the first film.

Envy is the only emotion with just 4 fingers on each hand. The other emotions each have 5 fingers.

Envy is the only emotion with just 4 fingers on each hand. The other emotions each have 5 fingers.
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