Elden Ring: Bell Bearings and Where to Find Them
Bell bearings are one of the most undervalued items in the world of Elden Ring. This rare and limited item can only be used on the Twin Maiden Husk. Its location, value and use is poorly explained in the game which actually makes it all the more interesting.
Essentially, the item expands a merchant’s inventory which includes upgrade materials and other highly useful items. Unfortunately, there’s a limitation for some items. If a player exhausts a merchant’s inventory, for example, Patches’ of Stonesword Keys, kills him and gives his Bell Bearing to the Twin Maiden Husks, it will not add any more Stonesword Keys to their inventory.
Locating Bell bearings is not an easy feat. Usually, it includes defeating a boss and most of the time, it’s knowing where to find them. Here are some of the places where you can loot your own Bell bearings.

- Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel along the northeast side of the region, brave its depths, and defeat the Crystalian at the end.

- Altus Plateau, Sealed Tunnel dungeon to the north of the Minor Erdtree Church Site of Grace, the chest beside the Statue of Marika.

- At the staircase of the Zamor Ruins' Site of Grace, Further north in the Mountaintops of the Giants.

- Crumbling Farum Azula, against the Godskin Duo boss and/or over the Tempest-Facing Balcony Grace, where a corpse lies.

- Inside of the Sellia Crystal Tunnel in Caelid, then take down the Fallingstar Beast.

- In Altus Plateau, then defeat the Crystalian Duo.

- Outside the First Church of Marika, west of Whiteridge Road's Site of Grace, where a corpse lays in the snow.
There are other sites where Bell bearings can be found. However, despite acquiring the item, a player’s knowledge on how to use them will make the difference on conquering this world and the others.
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