Discovering the Aura: Your Body's Protective Shield Explained
Our aura reflects our personality, lifestyle, emotions and thoughts. The aura gives us clues about our physical, mental and spiritual health. For this reason, this magnetic field is very important. Our chakras are within the aura. Chakras serve to attract energy into our body. When we attract good and positive energy, our aura protects us like a shield.
All the details about our aura, which consists of four different layers, are with you now
What Is Aura?

Aura is a protective shield that exists due to the flow of positive and negative charges in our body. Every object, whether animate or inanimate, has an aura. Of course, being animate or inanimate makes a difference in the aura. For example, atoms in living things are more active, this is the biggest difference.
When we are happy the auras are colorful and unbroken, but when we are unhappy they are gray and broken.
Auras are a point where the adage 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree' applies. Since people are in constant energy exchange and interaction with each other, the auras of the individuals around you affect you.
What Does High Aura Mean?

Aura is found in individuals as strong and weak. Individuals with weak auras get sick easily and are quickly affected by negative events. However, people with a high aura get sick more difficult and have a more positive attitude towards negative events.
People with a high aura, are people with high life energy. In these people, the aura protects the individual against diseases and bad energies and acts as a shield. This electromagnetic field plays an important role in individuals spiritually and emotionally. Having a high aura means a positive state.
What Does It Mean To Have An Aura?

Aura is the electromagnetic field that is seen by an outsider, that exists in the head and gradually spreads, which is thought to emanate from the bodies of living beings that the person cannot see. In order to say that a person has an aura, it is first necessary to see it. There are some methods to see this, first of all, this process should be started by going to a dimly lit room and sitting in a comfortable place. After sitting in a comfortable place, the hands should be held together for 30 seconds, palms facing each other, with little distance between them and held mutually. The palms are looked at by moving back and forth. In the meantime, smoke or a similar state appears on the palms, this state is called aura. After these steps are done, the color of the individual will be revealed.
How To Strenghten Your Aura?

If you want to boost your aura, you can follow these simple steps.
To raise the aura, daily meditations of 15 to 20 minutes are recommended first.
Experts say that eating a lot of food also lowers one's energy. For this reason, you can also support your aura by eating less than usual and paying attention to what you eat.
Another important step to raise the aura is to sit upright or walk upright. Standing up straight increases the individual's self-confidence and strengthens his/her aura.
It is also very important to avoid environments and individuals that lower your mood, affect you negatively and lower your energy.
To raise the aura, you need to play a little bit of Pollyannism. In other words, you should focus on positive thinking by suppressing and ignoring negative thoughts in the face of every event or situation.
The most important aura strengthening technique is to have the intention to strengthen and expand your aura. When we wake up in the morning, when we go to bed at night or during the day to expand your aura, you should often remind yourself how wide and strong it is.
Aura Colors And Their Meanings

The intermediate base color is found by calculating the life path number of the individual. This life path is learned by adding all the digits of the person's birth date. For example, let's find the color of an individual born on May 6, 1993.
First, let's add the numbers to find the life path of a person born on 06/05/1999: 6+5+1+9+9+9=39.
If the number obtained from addition was equal to 11 and 22, we should have left the operation here.
We criticize the value simply because we do not have an equal number of outputs.
We should continue the process by adding the numbers in the value with each other. 3+9=12
Since our output value is not between 1 and 9, we add our number until we reach this range. 1+2=3
Since the value we found is between the numbers 1 and 9, we can now learn the corresponding color.
When we look at the ranking, we see that the value belongs to the color yellow. So how does yellow and other colors give information about who you are?
Red Aura

They like to eat, travel and go on adventures.
They get angry quickly.
The people they spend time with enjoy this time very much.
They like to live.
They like themselves.
They have a leader spirit.
We generally encounter this color in athletes.
Orange Aura

They are social, generous and kind individuals.
They attach great importance to friendship relations.
They are sociable.
They like to talk.
Usually anchors and reporters have this aura color.
Yellow Aura

They are intelligent people with developed analytical thinking skills.
They like to work and think.
They are workaholics.
Scientists and researchers have this aura color.
Green Aura

Their creative intelligence is highly developed.
Men can be logical and workaholic, while women are lovable.
They love to explore.
They always stand by their decisions.
Successful business people usually have a green aura.
Blue Aura

The number of people with this aura color is small.
They are dreamy, artistic, elegant, sensitive, motherly and helpful.
They are emotional.
Their intuition is quite strong.
They do not like violence and crowds.
They have good communication skills.
People with blue aura color are usually great politicians.
Indigo Aura

They are responsible, compassionate and reliable.
They are intuitive, sensitive and have a high level of intelligence.
They are fond of their freedom.
They can manipulate people as they have good persuasion skills.
They are perfectionists.
They can be both extroverted and timid.
Purple Aura

They have high energy.
They are a loyal partner and friend.
They can intuit events easily.
They easily understand why things happen, that is, the underlying meanings.
Pink Aura

Introverted species.
They have a timid structure.
They have a calm structure.
They attach great importance to the feeling of love.
People with pink aura color are usually writers and poets.
Bronze Aura

They are controlling.
They good analysis skills.
They attach importance to being fair.
They are unbalanced.
Sometimes they can be docile and sometimes they can be moody.
Silver Aura

They have good intuition.
They have a wide imagination.
They are reliable, honest people.
Their dreams are very important to them.
Gold Aura

They are talented.
They have a developed sense of responsibility.
They are known for being attractive and beautiful.
They are good listeners.
They are calm and patient.
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