15 Legit Disadvantages Of Guys With Big D!
15 Legit Disadvantages Of Guys With Big D!
According to previous studies, the average penis size is approximately 13 centimeters (~5 inches). We don't know why men declare themselves as 'Heroes' when they have a larger member. Actually, having a big penis is more problematic than you think. Let's have a look at the daily life struggles.
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1. Jeans are always a problem.

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2. Morning erections might catch them off guard anywhere.
3. Actually, any erections due to constant friction is a problem.
4. That friction might irritate the skin, and then guess what? It will hurt!
5. Unfortunately, there is a thing called gravity. A big penis might lose its war against it, even when it's erected.
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6. Contrary to popular belief, it's not something most women prefer.
7. The penis might touch when using public toilets. Goodbye hygiene!
8. Have you heard of a 'Penile Fracture'? The chances of this happening is higher with a larger penis.
Protip: Do not look at the images when you google it.
9. Sport pants or swimsuits? Yes, they are both huge problems.

10. They might lose erectile function earlier than other people.
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11. It gives an unnecessary confidence boost to men.
12. Since it might hurt their partners, they have to use their leg muscles more than other people.
13. Getting erections might take longer. It's sometimes a problem for your partner as well.
14. They can't do most sex positions.
15. They are in an eternal war with the 'Thickness is more important' people.

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BONUS: Sorry guys, only you care about huge penises.
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