11 Things That You Should Always Keep A Secret
11 Things That You Should Always Keep A Secret
Some things are better off kept to ourselves and not shared with others. If you share all the personal stuff with others, it might cause unnecessary confusion. Opening up about your secrets might lead you to question them and worry for no good reason. It can also make you seem like a pusher. Everybody needs a side that is just for themselves. That's the healthy way to go; no matter who says what.
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1. Your biggest goals in life.
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2. The favors you do.
3. Your lifestyle.
4. Instances of heroism
5. Your life philosophy
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6. The problems and conflicts in your family life
7. Unpleasant facts you know about others
8. Your biggest fears and weaknesses
9. Your past resentments
10. The things you share with your significant other
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11. And your talents
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