The Dark Internet: Mysteries Of The Deep Web Are Revealed One By One!
Internet. The general name of the complex web structure that dominates our lives in this century.How much do internet users know about the internet? The generally known fact is that there is far too much more information on the internet than what a human mind can hold.So does this darknet (deep web) concern a regular internet user? We think not. If a person can find all the information he/she needs on the web, the internet would be sufficient. On the contrary, the deep part of the web has been a very interesting subject lately. Urban legends introduce deep web as the den of criminals.If you are interested in technology, you must have heard of Ross Ulbricht, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden. Ross Ulbricht: a former darknet market operator convicted of creating and running the Silk Road until his 2013 arrest. He is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.Julian Assange: the founder of WikiLeaks, where many top secret documents of different countries were published.Edward Snowden: an American computer professional, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee and former contractor for the United States government who copied and leaked classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013.So if the web we know of is only the tip of the iceberg, how big can the whole web be?This is exactly what we are going to explore in the research we are sharing.
23 Random Things Your Brain Will Recognize As Eyes!
 Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a stimulus wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something while none actually exists. Basically, it's seeing something familiar in random objects. Our brains create wonders in recognizing faces. That's why we see faces on random objects. We made a list of 23 random things that look like eyes, thanks to our brain. 👀
19 Famous Paradoxes And Thought Experiments That Will Melt Your Brain!
A paradox is a statement or problem that either appears to produce two entirely contradictory (yet possible) outcomes, or provides proof for something that goes against what we expect. Paradoxes and thought experiments have always been a central part of philosophical thinking and are always ready to challenge our interpretation of otherwise simple situations. Below you’ll find a list of 19 of the most famous paradoxes and some other thought experiments that kept many minds busy for years, and some of them even for centuries!
10 People Who Claim To Have Had Sex With Aliens
There are many people who claim to have gotten in contact with aliens and their numbers are increasing. But the people who are included in our list are probably the most outstanding because what they're saying is beyond our imagination.
What Do Geniuses Eat? Here's Nikola Tesla's Diet
Nikola Tesla had clearly one of the most creative and productive minds in world history. He did numerous valuable research projects and always knew how to stay energetic and focused. Let’s learn how he stayed sharp and active from his own words.
The Mystery Of "Starry Night" By Van Gogh Has Been Revealed!
The painter, well known for his works like Starry Night, Sunflowers, and Bedroom in Arles is no doubt surrounded by mysteries. His life and his works are very interesting and some of the the most wondered mysteries have been revealed. Let's take a look!
14 Must-Have Apps From the Google Play Editor’s Choice List
Sometimes we need a game just to kill time, sometimes some music to relax or an app to keep things planned. A success indicator for all those apps is the “Google Play Editor's Choice.” We compiled all the best ones for you here in this content. Let’s see the apps you should definitely download to your mobile for a better smart phone experience!
What Is Your Mathematical Personality Type?
You have been wondering many things about yourself and reading about your zodiac sign, taking tests to learn about your IQ and EQ. Mathematics is such an important part of our lives, but have you ever wondered which part of it relates to  your personality? Let’s find out!
Character Analysis According To Your Blood Type: Ketsuekigata!
Japanese people worked hard and long to analyze personality figure out love compatibility according to one's blood type. Actually, these observations have become so popular among people that they have started to ask each other about their blood type rather than zodiac signs. What is more, many self-help books about  'personality by blood type' have been published recently; which motivated us to learn more about this and share it with you. You may indeed find some similarities once you read this post.
Id, Ego or Superego: Which One Leads You?
According to Sigmund Freud’s theory, there are 3 different types of mechanisms that control us, leading how we react in public and decide what we value the most: Id, Ego and Superego. These parts combine to create complex human behavior, but which one are you driven by?
22 Interesting Facts About The Cellphones We Use Everyday
Phones are now a big part of us. They are like our hands and arms. We all love 'em right? We get most of our jobs done, do things we couldn't imagine doing before. Well, here are 22 things you may not have heard about our cute and lovely friends.
15 Interesting Facts About Violence That You've Never Heard Before
Are people naturally violent?  Maybe.. Can we say that animals use violence while killing other animals to survive? Maybe..It's only possible to answer these questions if the idea of violence between the different and same species is clear. As there are many things that we don’t know about violence, there are other facts that we know for sure. Here are the 15 of them:
Do Geniuses Have Fewer Friends?
Are you one of those people who say “Why do I even have friends?” when you're blamed for being too distant?Is it more pleasing to spend time alone instead of going out with your friends?According to a newly established study, your desire to be alone might be because you're intellectually gifted. Here are the details, with the contributions of Vice:
This Simulation Theory Will Make You Lose Faith In Reality!
One of the most boiling debates recently is whether or not the universe is a simulation. Skepticism on this topic goes back to the fifth century. Parmenides argues that the everyday perception of the reality of the physical world is wrong and the world is an unchanging, ungenerated and indestructible whole.
This Skeleton Shows Everything Wrong With Instagram Clichés!
Meet Skellie. Skellie is a skeleton. As every other skeleton does, Skellie loves Instagram. Skellie likes to make fun of other people on Instagram. His favorite activity is to reenact Instagram pictures that we see everyday. Check more of Skellie here: I tell you that Skellie is a skeleton?
26 Things You Won't Know If You’re Not An “Alfisti”
Alfisti, meaning being an Alfa Romeo fan, is something different. It’s falling in love with a sound, a detail and a look. Meaning that you’re a member of an auto group that exists just for two automobile brands. Alfa Romeo is an auto producer founded by the Visconti family in Milano, Italy in 1910. Although Alfa Romeo seems like they’re producing autos, they have actually built up a passion.